Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

And I’m very grateful for the one you sold to me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ahh that’s cool I hope you get one and enjoy it :facepunch:t4:

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Does this mean that midi in is Omni… so if i send multiple sequences on different midi channels into the T-1 it will send all the data from every midi channel and send it to the FX tracks?
am i reading this correctly?

I guess so. I haven’t tried the beta yet but that’s how I understand it.

Could you provide a link to the beta please?
Thank you :pray:

There’s also a great new manual (work in progress).


Thanks for the link :pray:

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the Notebook alone is a great update - these are very good supplements to the manual.


On their forum they said this IS the new manual. It just needs a little more work, but I think it’s mostly done.


Had a quick glance at the “new” manual.
This is a BIG update to the existing one indeed, 224 pages vs 51 for the original manual…
Any idea when the beta will be made available as a definitive update?

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Yes, the new “Notebook manual” looks great. I also like the fact that there’s room for personal notes.

They said the new firmware will be released “very soon”, but your best bet is to post such questions on Torso’s Discord channel.

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Can you post another invite link?

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I second this idea …


anyone using a clickless encoder version? is it usable or disturbing, just as loopop argued in the video?

I’m not sure. By “clickless” do you mean the encoders don’t click when you press them? Or that they don’t click when you turn them (i.e. they don’t have detents)?

I meant those that don’t click when you turn them, those that don’t have detents…

I have one and it is perfectly fine.
Not “disturbing” at all :slight_smile:
Like my Elektron ones :wink:


I have one too. Not at all disturbing. Great to work with …

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News from the Discord forum: Release of the 2.0 firmware will be in around one week.