Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

I thought this might spark your imagination to solve your problem with a Label Printer, but apparently that didn’t work.

i got the point :wink:

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v2.0 installed :slight_smile:
Everything smooth and full of new tricks.

Can be put in loop mode or not, can loop only a part of cycles or all.
Confirmed :slight_smile:


Anybody could direct me to an online shop selling 6mm D-shaft (various colors) pots for my T-1?
I have been looking around but with no luck.
Wanting to ID better the different parts (shape, groove, tonal etc…).
Thanks for any hint in advance :pray:

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Had seen these before but they are 6.5mm…

I’ve thought about swapping mine too… It’s annoyingly difficult to find knobs without indicators.

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They are 6mm and work. Most 6mm is pretty standard.

These are the regular encoders encoders from above (that I use on a beatstep), so if your gonna buy, and you need the labels, get the thin encoders….

Also you just missed the Black Friday sale….they were up to 50% off (over 40 pieces), but there’s a link at the top of the pages saying if you missed the sale to hit them up….

Original encoder cap on top of the chrome cap, so you can see the diameter difference:

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Sorry so grimy…she’s been at the beach a lot lately :wink:

Hey, thanks a lot for taking the time to upload a pic.
Much appreciated.

I do t find it hard to find encoder/non indicator caps. It’s just hard to find ones that aren’t stupid AF, or 50$ each cause they are military/scientific grade….

I have no problem finding slick caps for 30$+ a pop :confused:

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No worries :wink:

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ordered :slight_smile:

Hey, are you finding the T-1 very color-dependent? The manual describes a whole bunch of color-coding to various functions, to an almost amazing degree, but is it very dependent on color, in practical use?

I don’t have fantastic eyesight when it comes to color, so that’s why I’m asking…

No, not really.
Once you familiarize yourself with the color coding.
Modified pulse/note=red

Side note: I have been playing with the 2.0 FW update and it is a blast.


So, I caved in :sweat:

Thanks for the good advice.

A sanity check:

Isn’t the Rate of the Random sequence supposed to change by pressing down ctrl and twisting the random button?

I can’t get it to affect anything. If I, say, randomize pitch, all the pitch randomization happens at an interval of 16 steps.

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I think it’s hold down the Random knob and twist the knob you want to apply Random to

I think it is the actual level of randomization that makes it this way. Not the rate.
Random is bipolar:
One way it will randomize your sequence every complete cycle(s) in the same pattern. Repetitive random.
The other way it will randomize in a different pattern every complete cycle(s). Full random.

@josker I would advise you download the synthdawg beta manual.
Every function is described AND implemented in a step by step example.

Step editing is a killer add on.
Whether from the pulse menu or from the cycle menu.
From the cycle menu:

  1. Select in which cycle you want to edit a step: double press CYCLE. Choose the cycle. Now the cycle loops on itself.
  2. Press CTRL+BANK
  3. Lock the STEP menu (double press)
  4. Now select the step you want to edit: CTRL+STEP. Multiple steps can be selected for editing at the same time.
  5. Apply your edit(s).
  6. Press BANK to go out of CYCLE mode.

I thought I would detail it as it is not that clear in the manual :slight_smile: