Tracking the last few Waldorf Pulse 2s

All the UK outlets seem to have sold out.

I’ve grabbed one from DV247 though. Being shipped from their warehouse in Germany.

I assume that everyone knows that it’s been EOL’d (End Of Line)?

Yep gone from Juno and Thomann too. I bet some smaller outlets still have them.

Edit: in the US there are some here:

Still considerably more than they were from Europe earlier this year.

Is it just the Pulse that’s been discontinued or is it the Blofeld too do you know?

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So I did some sleuthing and I did find an indication that the chip used in the Blofeld is being discontinued. Waldorf haven’t announced anything about discontinuation of the Blofeld itself but if I were a betting man I’d consider it a definite possibility.

Blofeld will be discontinued soon anyway.

I heard blofeld was also discontinued but now I can’t find my source.

Haven’t heard anything official about Blofeld, but wouldn’t surprise me tbh.

Does anyone know if it is possible to start the arp of the pulse 2 without sending a note over midi? ie so that it is essentially a self contained sequencer?

Not possible afaik.
Still, the arpeggiator is pretty cool.

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I hope Waldorf releases a Pulse 3 in a similar size format as the M, Iridium, and Kyra.

Well - it’s landed! Will put it through its paces after work. :+1:

Im not too worried about these , they’ll be floating around 2nd hand for years.

Its weird how you never bat an eyelid at a particular synth then feel you need it once it’s been discontinued.

I’ve been fancying one of these for a while as it goes.

Btw - one complaint is that one of the encoders is a bit loose. Might need to open-up at some point and tighten.

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It’s an interesting unit sound-wise. A bit of a one-trick pony I’d say. The filter’s a bit lifeless, but the raw oscillators are very nice. Almost like in many situations the way to use this one, is to leave the filter open and just use the raw oscillators.

Great can’t wait till these cost $1000+ and I end up regretting not buying them when they were $399.

Both this and the Blofeld have famously crappy encoders tbf. I don’t think there’s any way to ‘tighten’ it. Seems to be a weak point in the design.

My Blofeld encoders are solid in comparison to the Pulse2 encoders. These ones are what I might call - wobbly.

The Freescale MCU does appear to be EOL. It looks like one can still find small quantities, but not enough to keep making a full product line most likely.

The DSP (DSP56371) which is one in the 563xx line (think Q, Virus, Supernova, etc.) is marked as “not recommended for new designs” which means it’s either EOL or close to it.

So probably no new Blofelds without redesign, or update to new product.

There might be a newer compatible device. Haven’t been tracking DSPs tbh.