Twisted Electrons Blastbeats

That would make sense re: function mode. I should see if there’s a midi cc associated with it. I think they published the cc chart.

Hm, it’s not in the current chart, I guess (unless I missed it)

That’s feature-request material :smiley:

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I’m thinking of too many potential feature requests and I won’t even get the thing for a couple of months. They’re going to hate me. Haha.
In reality once I’m using it I’ll probably decide that most of them are too petty to be worth mentioning. As long as it works and it gets funky I’m good.


This thing right here is my number one GAS object right now. Can’t see how I’d be able to avoid purchasing it if everything works as advertised. Im going to wait to hear some real world feedback but assuming it’s mostly positive I’ll likely be blasting beats by the end of the year.

I have a feeling that I (and a few others in this thread) won’t shut up about it in a couple of months.


I can’t even express how I look forward to that. My next show (after this coming Friday night) isn’t until July. I’d love to find out this thing is totally righteous with enough time that I could totally flavorblast some beats for these people.

Oh wow… this looks right up my street… how has I never heard of this… damn this forum!! (But also love this forum!!) I am very, very keen on this!

Hey hey,

The manual was updated a couple of days ago:

"Vibrato / Tremolo waveform

By default vibrato and tremolo oscillate up and down (sine waveform).
There are 9 other waveforms to choose from to modulate volume and
pitch of your operators. In function mode hold trem or vibr and press the
top10 buttons to change the waveform. The first 8 buttons represent the
8 waveforms printed on the top of the device. 9th and 10th waveforms
are random waveforms.
Note: waveform changes can be automated per step! Just change the
waveform with rec lit."

This opens up quite some possibilities for the vibrato/tremolo!
Initially, I didn’t see myself using those so much, but if you can choose the waveform… plus record a different one per step!!!
I guess you could create interesting melodies with just one note and varying depth/waveform.

EDIT: I’m not sure but, reading the manual, it seems the vibrato and tremolo rates are per pattern. It would be a pity not to be able to change the rate per track/instrument. Maybe this is due to a limitation of the chips?

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Wow, now it’s also possible to automate Mix and Phones levels per step!

But more importantly - at least for me - you can also sequence routing to outputs 1-4! (during live recording)
It will make it possible to include routing changes in a pattern and live-route this or that track, on this or that step, to external effects…
I’m no expert but I have seen this in no synth yet. Neat.

This was suggested earlier in this thread by @blurrghost and I mentioned it to Alex in a message and - voilà - this is implemented. This tells a lot about Twisted Electrons’ responsiveness to feature-requests.

It’s really cool to see such a level of responsiveness in small companies like TE or Norand (who are also extremely responsive to feature requests)


This news does nothing to alleviate my painful GAS!

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Yes, same here :neutral_face:
All the more so that I ordered from Thomann and I’m not even sure TE will send them enough units so they can fulfill my order. I should have ordered directly from TE.

I just got my Deton8 on Monday and my experience ordering direct from TE went swimmingly. Between the awesomeness of my new tiny drum machine and the five star customer service prowess I think I can safely say I’ve become a fan of this company.


That is so exciting! So many possibilities! Big ol’ grin over here. Thanks for making the request.

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It looks like some people are starting to receive their units.

Anyone here?

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No, I haven’t received mine yet.

On the other hand...

I also haven’t ordered one yet.


Not yet but it’s already deep in my brain.

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DHL bricked and sent it to my old address despite Alex changing it on his end months ago. Now it’s lingering in on-hold status. Good times. I hope to be soundblasting this week!

mine arrived this afternoon :slight_smile:


Got it this afternoon ! First jam and unboxing right here:


Here we go for the first big jam video !
Come say hi in the chat during the premiere if you feel like it :wink: