Twisted Electrons MEGAfm

It would then make an even better competitor to the Digitone!

So? Still requires software development to make it available in a usable way in a device like this.

Yeah of course, how is that at odds with what Iā€™m saying?

The sound generation hardware (YM chip) has the ability to be multitimbral, and Iā€™m asking that the developer implement the software-side support.

Itā€™s not a ā€œno-brainerā€, it takes real work.

Of course. Iā€™m saying that the feature is a no-brainer in terms of what users would want and what would be desirable with the understanding that they wonā€™t have to re-engineer the sound hardware since the YM has multitimbral ability. The phrase ā€œno-brainerā€ doesnā€™t mean that something is easy, youā€™re misunderstanding my meaning.

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BTW, DAFM Synth is multitimbral. You have six MIDI channels with six different presets. The MIDI channel 1 is polyphonic with up to six notes simultaneously. The other channels are monophonic.

And as you can see through the nice window on the case, it is using real YAMAHA YM2612 or YM3438 chips. :slight_smile:


No problem. Please contact us whenever you need. You will enjoy your murdered out black DAFM synth.

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FWIW, looking at the control surface, I honestly donā€™t see any reason why multitimbrality would make more sense for this instrument than for any other recent knobby poly. They clearly designed this as a polyphonic synth with direct manual control over pretty much all its parameters.

Just because itā€™s using a sound chip that has been widely used in a game console doesnā€™t mean that you should be able to use it like that.

Multitimbral support for this is going to be awkward to set up and use because thereā€™s only a two-digit display without buttons that would enable a menu system.

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Ok, take a look at the Novation Summit with the understanding that it is a knob-per-function polysynth that is absolutely bi-timbral. The Summit was designed as ā€œa polyphonic synth with direct manual control over pretty much all its parameters.ā€

Iā€™ll also add to that list the Korg Prologue, same deal. Those are two of the major flagship polysynths on the market, both bitimbral.

I think thatā€™s a pretty compelling argument right there, an actual poly with knob per function control that supports 2 patches at the same time that has been brought to market.

Not only that, but the developer has stated that they will consider implementing bitimbrality. I guess my argument isnā€™t with you at all, since youā€™re not understanding why users would want multitimbrality. Iā€™m not even sure why youā€™re arguing with me about this, it would be awesome to have bitimbrality and the ability to layer patches, split them, etc. Itā€™s a pure win!

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Whoa, this looks and sounds good! Sounds different than DN.
I love the wide stereo image in the demos.


Can you message me a pic of this set up, Iā€™m dying to see it lol!! :nerd_face:

Unless it is something really special Iā€™m no longer a buyer of non multi (or at least bi) timbral synths. Just a waste other wise. Even though I can multi-track it Iā€™m also just drawn to the idea of ā€œhearing it all at onceā€ from a single device. A bit of art and science mixed - the art of the sound but the science of a box that can make all that sound at once. Even worse when you know the hardware can do it. The developers just need to write the code to split the incoming channels up.

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defMON sync cartridge to the right with:
-LSDJ sync signal
-nanoloop sync signal
-midi clock
-din sync
-clock signal with adjustable resolution from 24ppqn to 2ppqn for Korg Volcas, TE Pocket Operators, Arturia Microbrute, MI Anushri etc


Badass!!! That is funky fresh.

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DAFM, DFAM this thread is making my head hurt :face_with_head_bandage:

But MegaFm sure sounds like some serious fun in a box.


I like!! That fukn proper and choice!! :mechanical_arm:

Back on topic MEGAfm. Got a reply from Twisted Electrons:

All parameters are CC controlled (and all faders/knobs send MIDI so you can control any VST/Hardware synth with it).
I also requested bi-timbral and got the answer that it is not intended for such purpose but it is good to hear that they might change their mind.
There is a built in arp and sequencer (according to the CDM article).
There is no SSG mode to replace each envelope but LFOs (square triangle ramp noise sample/hold waves) can be set to loop and or retrigger. You can also modulate the speed and depth of the lfos with another lfo so you could for example stall lfo1 (top) by linking its speed to lfo2 (bottom) set to a one-shot square:
or reduce lfo1 over time by linking its depth to lfo2 set to a one-shot saw

Even though this means that more advanced envelopes can be created, you will still need to combine two lfos to create them which falls short compared to a SSG mode for each operator envelope.

IĀ“ve asked about LFO destinations but havenĀ“t got a reply yet.


Sounds very much like the MEGAfm has voice pan spread (and unison).
I really think this is missing from the Digitone.

From the DSI OB-6 manual:
ā€œPan Spread pans audio in the stereo field individually per voice. Set to 0, all voices are panned to the center. As you turn the pan spread knob up, the audio in each voice is gradually moved away from the center by greater amounts. Every other voice goes in a different direction, left or right. This creates a broader stereo field while playing.ā€


Donā€™t know if anyoneā€™s interested but I emailed Twisted Electrons about implementing portamento and it looks like it will be added in now. Woohoo!
Also asked about LFO destinations and he said this:
ā€œItā€™s more a case of knobs having LFO destinations as you ā€œchainā€ the LFOs to themā€¦
So you can essentially modulate each knob/fader with 1, 2, or 3 LFOsā€

Hope this helps!


my brain isnā€™t quite catching whatā€™s meant by the knobs/LFOs thing, but no matter those specifics, thanks :+1: