UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

I’ll be able to have a PolyBrute in my hands for test it and later, when more Super6 units were available I’ll order the blue one.

I can record an OBS session on YouTube and share it here also.


Then surely you require this case.

How are folks digging their Super 6

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Only what I’ve heard from online demos, but I really do prefer the sound of this over the Polybrute.

In the video you can see him struggling to play all the lower notes as he’s run out of keys. Why they went with this small number of keys is beyond me.

The blue is so ace. Too bad its unobtainiam for the time being. Found a polybrute available in US, going for that now. From everything I’ve listened to I prefer the sound of the polybrute over this. But the aesthetic of super 6 is sooo choice, polybrute not so much.

This is going to sound dumb, but every video demo of the super 6, it just sounds so … quiet? I feel Like I need to crank my volume, and it just underwhelms a bit. Then I listen to mylarmeledies polybrute vid and it just floors me.

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I think they addressed this in a firmware update.

Edit: from a post above.
+6dB output level boost. Corresponding increase in SNR by +6dB.

  • Please note, some patches with extreme settings may now experience clipping distortion regardless of “MASTER VOLUME” setting,
    simply reduce “ENV LEVEL” control by a small amount if this happens.
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yeah, I have updated mine and it has fixed the volume issue.


Hey @dBridge, has this baby made its way into any of your tracks? Would be awesome to hear it in the mix.

Mine is with me!
The construction is more than robust. And the sound reminds me Roland every time. It sounds solid, in your face, with classic sweet tones or sharp wave edge.
It seems to be smaller in person than in photos and videos out there.
Only two things to fix:

  1. ARP Hold: please implement the reset of notes when play nuevo chords. Right now it adds notes to the previous chord, so there’s no way to chain chords over time.
  2. Is there any way to assign the 12 voices in monoaural space? When I disable binaural, each note plays a voice at full left or right, never center.
    I’ll be playing with it all this Sunday:)

I am loving the sound of this synth, it sounds soo full whatever type of sound you conjure up. No effects mind you except some delay :wink:

ffects mind you


Nice timbres here


yes, it is full of nice sounds!
lot of movement in that

check out some sounds Ben Crosland (remember the Virus TI) has made on the Super 6, very impressive!


is the stereo widening controllable yet ? that belllike drone is great btw…

Marathon session from Gaz Williams. That’s how I found out about UDO’s new Super Patch Pack 01.

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Unless one knows how to mix, of course.

some of those new patches have a huge bottom end

Which ones did you like? In fact, I’m just now, out of need, looking to use one of my polysynths as a bass mono in some tracks.