UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

I would love to see a dark gray/blue Rupert Neve Style case and matching caps.

Smack some wood against it and I’ll marry her! :heart_eyes_cat:


Have a P6 module and Virus TI polar, I am just not sure I could do any better with Super 6

had a listen tonight, very clean and plenty of omph. Think I will get one, just need to sell some gear. If anyone has one can they tell me what the little holes in the front panel are under these Octave knobs


Looks like Led. Just a ques, not having one. Maybe when u hit the preset setting of that parameter… just a ques.

I think this synth sounds great. Much different from P6. I don’t know about the Virus, maybe it can get you in the ballpark, but it sounds muchbetter to me then the Virus.
But yeah, you have nice polys already so this would be different, but how much do you really need one?
Maybe getting this instead of virus would make some sense…

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I agree. It a bit like an oasis in the desert. soon as you get there you find reality. And its just a mirage.

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I like mirage analogy!

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Is this a project that people still anticipate them successfully finishing? Seems they have a long, long way to go with the firmware and these still don’t appear to be available for purchase in the US without a lengthy preorder.

Andertons are saying they’ll have them in a week or so.

What’s wrong with the firmware?

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Elevator sounds and signal sounds say they got them in stock

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Not even midi over usb yet, and still on version 0.26. Maybe it’s not as bad as I believed? That would be great.

As far as retail, I should have clarified, i mean in the US. Not willing to order internationally for a product in that price range.


Sorry, I guess if it’s coming into stock over here, it should be a couple more weeks away over there…?

I think it is exaggerating calling it “project”. It has midi din, and its working, no?

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Project just means a new endeavor or goal that a team is working toward. It’s a standard term for a one time product development cycle. The creation of any synth is a project, by definition.

Didn’t mean any harm. This is a project I’ve long followed, and the demos I heard sounded outstanding. I had not kept up, though, and was interested in the current state of development. Tax refund and stimulus money coming up, and I have room for one hardware synth in my current set up. Super 6 or maybe a polybrute.


I don’t think it is a LED, I could be wrong though. I did’nt notice it shine at any point.

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I think they could be keyholes for the knobs, to make sure they don’t lose thier centre when being turned - they have a good bit of resistance between steps.

sounds feasible, bit clunky in design though

Wait the firmware isn’t even at 1.0? What’s wrong with releasing a product when it’s finished?
This seems like a trend with a lot of companies these days. I get why they do it but doens’t feel right and I hope this isn’t going to be standard.

There’s no magic to a firmware number. Different companies use different numbering conventions. Just because it has a “1”, or a “7”, or whatever, doesn’t’ say anything about the quality of the product, or its completeness. In fact plenty of companies play the magical game of padding version numbers just to mislead.

What counts is how the software works.


True, but usually v1.0 is the first released version, so I understand the confusion

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I was decided to grey but finally I’ll go to the blue one. More exclusive, more personality.