UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

That 1st patch!!!

You’re reorganising my wants list.

As mentioned before I’m getting the Quantum, but it’s a back & forth between this & Polybrute for my additional purchase.

So far i think the scales are tipped in favour of the Super 6.

But i’m waiting on your Polybrute patches to get a better idea.

My purchases are practically decided on your sounds.


It’s my secret dream synth but I know I’ll never be able to afford it. I say go for it if it’s within budget. It sounds absolutely fantastic to me. Plus, it’s made in Bristol where I lived during my formative years, so it’s extra special. Maybe when I reach retirement :slight_smile:


I’m getting an inheritance soon, and i’ll earmark some to get 2 good quality synths.

If i don’t do it with that money i may never do.


Sounds great! Were you using the new firmware? I see they added a drift feature.

Damn… I had literally just gotten over my GAS for this synth and now it comes rushing back;)

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Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated to UDO! :sweat_smile: (no commission on sales for me!)


to me as well. Enjoy demos of it the most compared to other modern polys in this price range


I WAS fully on board. I pre-ordered like most. I even built a website with the agreement of George and the Udo team the creator of it for discussions and uploads etc. etc. And then something happened… I felt the sum of its parts and sound amounted to less than other synths being released at a cheaper price-point. It was no longer my dream synth. I have never come crashing down like this before. I cant explain it as i was right behind it from the beginning. I haven’t regretted cancelling the order one little bit. I’m sure its better than i think but i believed way too much of the hype from all the shows and demos. Sonically i feel it sings best at mid and high tones. Just my 2 cents of course.


I’ve gone round in circles trying make a decision on the Super 6.

But I’ve now heard enough examples here and there to know where it could fit in with my plans and ideas. And i definitely have a specific role for it to play. I’m not looking for it to be an all rounder.

The patch I mentioned liking above, is to my ears the best sound I’ve heard from it. Pure Detroit Techno. And so far I like that particular patch more than anything I’ve heard from the Polybrute. But I do like the Polybrute very much.

Just waiting for @Astrolab to make the decision even tougher once he uploads some Polybrute demos.

Quantum is happening, 100%. But the battle between the Super 6 and Polybrute is hotting up.

Did you get a chance to hear it in person? I’m definitely not criticizing your decision here, but you were so excited about it to the point that you build a website, but then lost that excitement. I just wonder how reliable it is to base a decision on hearing how a synth sounds from youtube. I may be totally wrong here, i’m just wondering. I almost didn’t buy a Hydrasynth because of how many people criticized its ‘thin’ sound. But in person it hits like a mack truck and sounds beautiful. But obviously this is totally subjective.

Anyway, again, i’m sure you did the right thing. I just kinda wonder if we base too much on youtube demos. (but what else do we have??)


Here’s all the new firmware info:

New in this release:

• Faster Amplitude envelope attack times. An extra 15% of travel has been added at the bottom range of the ENV2 ATTACK slider reducing minimum ENV2 attack times without affecting stored patches

• Waveforms pack 2 can be stored on the synth alongside “waveforms”
Try it:

  • Hold PATCH and power cycle the synth to unlock the patch disk “SUPER6”
  • Download waveforms pack 2 to your PC or MAC from www.udo-audio.com/support
  • Extract the .zip file on your PC or MAC (not on the Super 6!) and rename the extracted folder “waveforms” to “alt_waveforms”
  • Connect the SUPER6 to your computer via the USB cable
  • Copy the alt_waveforms folder to the patch disk “SUPER6” in the root directory
  • When done, you may need to power cycle the synth
  • To access the alt_waveforms, select a waveform on the Super 6, pressing the PATCH or BANK button again will cycle between the two banks.
    The PATCH or BANK LED will blink to indicate the alt_waveforms folder is selected

• Super randomisation feature called DRIFT. Subtle dynamic wavering of parameters to add subtle to extreme movement and detuning
Try it:

  • New init_patch.s6 has subtle randomisation on some parameters. Note the almost inaudible but very pleasing movement of oscillators. Particularly nice on complex waves in Super mode.
  • In SHIFT mode, dial in the amount of parameter movement using the PW [DETUNE] fader. Static phases at 0, sounds broken at 10.

• +6dB output level boost. Corresponding increase in SNR by +6dB.

  • Please note, some patches with extreme settings may now experience clipping distortion regardless of “MASTER VOLUME” setting,
    simply reduce “ENV LEVEL” control by a small amount if this happens.


• VCA Bleed in SOLO and LEGATO modes at extreme of ENV2 LEVEL control removed
• MIDI Out sometimes requiring change of command type fixed
• VCA “Blip” when changing from loud to soft playing with DYNAMICS selected removed
• XFADE mode crossfading smoothed, arpeggiator response in XFADE mode improved
• Envelope release being reduced to zero in with ENV KEYTRACK in ARP mode bugfix
• Amplitude variation imbalance in left and right channels, balanced
• Clipping when moving between SUPER DDS modes, ignoring of PW (Detune) slider when moving from SUPER=OFF to 1/2 or 1 modes
• Memory full issue fixed caused by copying new patch or waveform files to the SUPER6 drive on a MAC


I managed to play it live in a store for a bit. I didn’t get to play it long enough though true. But this moment of realization came swiftly like air being let out of a balloon. I’ve bought and sold synths for 40 years and this feeling has never happened before. I’m not a big fan of Roland gear which this is based around according to George. The Binaural thing i’m not sold on either. My dream synth would definately not be this though but it well could be someone else’s :slight_smile:


There will never be somthing like a dream synth in reality.
I think internet is pushing to much on us, staff i mean, pushing products on us, colourful promises,
It is nothing wrong with this synth, or any other of them, mostly, but after you’ve heard fantastic stories about something for hundred times, you make your unrealistic picture of something in your head. This dream is bound to be crushed like a “baloon” when it touches reality.
Expectations made by dreams are never met.


A simple question:

Blue or Black?

Which did you go for?

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Nice review from synth4ever:


Still edging it over the Polybrute for me.

How are owners enjoying their Super 6? I was really interested awhile back and forgot all about it. Anything of note? Buggy? Bad support? No issues best synth you’ve ever owned?

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Built like a tank and warm to the touch!


It’s just such an unreasonably good bit of kit. They are only on v0.26 of the firmware, yet to have midi over usb or mpe going, but since initial release they have squashed a good many little bugs, introduced the sequencer functionality, doubled the wavetable capacity and added a lovely drift parameter.
But all that aside, the thing just sounds so very good, the UI is very well designed to get you to whatever sounds are in your head. And yeah, built like a tank.


Mine’s built more like a brick shithouse than a tank.