UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

yeah thats right, the main thing is the synth sounds amazing!

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You are spot on my friend.

I also have no dick.:+1::+1::grinning::grinning:

I have touched Adub super six…i can confirm it is absolute top quality.

True story

I’m having a lot of trouble getting it to sync from an external source. I have midi in coming from the Tr6s. I hit shift sync and then the 2nd and 3rd button.

Seq and arp sync really unreliably but I’m guessing I’m doing something wrong. Any ideas?

Check out the udo forum, looks like it is a bug.


Oh wow I didn’t even know there was a udo forum! Thank you!

Yeah, there seems to be problems with the DIN midi for recording into a daw as well. I have issues in Live and Logic. Love the sound of this thing though and George has been getting smashed with work but promises an update soon.

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We might get a desktop version for Superbooth…!

I find this very tempting as I was never keen about the Super 6 keyboard, neither feel nor range wise.


wow, very intriguing. Yes, think you may be right about a desktop version, not sure they have had enough time to create something totally different like a drum machine etc as yet.



By the power of gray skull

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Wow, love it.


If the price is right, this thing is definitely on my to buy list!

Would love a black version!


nice one! reminds me of Virus Snow :smiley:

edit: wooden side panes would be nice too


That module would be a dream come true.

I have the money waiting.

It kind of reminds me of Microfreak as well. I think it’s because it’s at two levels sort of like microfreak and it’s Keybed

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