UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

The EM is matched by nothing of the sort when it comes to expressive playing. No plugin comes even close IMO. However, I don’t care about editing so much than about expressive playing and just exploring the EM’s presets is fair enough for me :slight_smile: That said I still enjoy editing non-MPE synths.

Sounds like a documentation problem, not a beta problem. If something can be addressed by updating a PDF, it doesn’t seems like an issue with the synth to me.

Most firmware updates for most things are fixing stuff that’s broken. We don’t call them all “beta” or treat them like they’re somehow unfinished.

And all that said, I’ve been using the S6 desktop for something like four months straight now and haven’t ever had to restart it to make something work. So, in at least some environments, it doesn’t present as “broken” at all.

Totally anecdotal, but it seems like the posts I see talking about the S6 “hanging” or whatever are also from people trying to use it with some new MPE supercontroller. I wonder if these devices are just flooding the S6 with more events than it can handle causing it to glitch out? I had a similar problem with my EssenceFM and Linnstrument a year or two back. After dropping the data rate of the Linnstrument everything works great. Wonder if there’s a similar setting for the Osmose or whatever?

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This is my view on the matter: Whether something is a bug or not can only ever be defined in relation to the intended behaviour, which in turn is stated in the manual. So, the exact same product could either be feature complete and totally bug free or a broken mess filled with bugs and missing features depending on how it’s described. For example, a synth that only can play a single note at a time would be a perfectly working mono synth, but a broken poly synth if that’s what it’s marketed as.

So, in a sense, I agree with you in that almost the whole beta feel of the Super 6 could be eradicated by updating the manual. If I buy a synth based on what it is stated in the manual that it can do, and then have to wait for several years worth of firmware releases for it to actually get to that state, I would say that the synth is in a constant beta state (for example, MPE has been described in the manual since day one even though it wasn’t added until this fall, and even then it’s not working as stated in the manual). Releasing it in a state corresponding to the manual and then saying that new features might be added in the future is a completely different thing.

I don’t know about that. For example, I’ve never really felt the same way about Elektron firmware updates. The Syntakt, for example, felt like a complete machine when I bought it, before the first big firmware release, even though I can think of 10 things off the top of my head that I would like them to add.

That might be the case. I can’t recall all circumstances in which I’ve encountered the bugs, but I’m pretty sure some of them have appeared when simply sending single midi messages from my Syntakt as well. But I’m not sure :man_shrugging:

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I mean, the latest firmware is version 0.53 so even the developers are admitting it is in beta.

send it back otherwise you’ll continually be annoyed by it .
it’ll also send a message to the developers to sort out development… its been out a number of years… it could take another few years to ‘fix’ (based on your list) … and ultimately will they fix everything (slow loading of presets… unlikely to get fixed i would say).
if they start developing and releasing another bit of hardware it could get even slower.

its a lot of money to spend on a piece of gear that is annoying.


I’m really GASing for a Super 6, but the mixed reports of bugs here gives me pause.

I’d probably have to sell my Virus TI desktop and Nord A1 to swing it — I haven’t used the TI much since Mac support dropped (and the menu diving on the hw is exactly what I want to avoid). I love the A1, but I’m starting to long for something more flexible while still retaining the immediacy and user friendly front panel. Minus the inability to see modulation destinations outside of the mod matrix, it seems like the Super 6 fits that bill.

But it would also take me from a 4 part synth, to a single part. Conflicted!

Most of the gear I regret selling are nord (2x , modular keys multiple times ) . The gear I have atm I haven’t used for a long time …trying to keep them though.
The other is Roland 202

All that’s for another thread.
Udo does sound nice in the demos.

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It sounds, then, like the S6 could be that way for you, too. It feels like a very complete binaural take on a polyphonic subtractive synth, doesn’t it? Sure, you can think of 10 things off the top of your head that you’d like them to add (like MPE stuff). And there are some bugs to be fixed (I don’t think there’s ever been an Elektron update whose release notes didn’t include a list of fixes along with the features).

If only thing standing in the way of you enjoying the S6 like the ST is a page that you read in a manual, maybe just tear it out or delete it or whatever? It’d seem a shame to sell a thing you might otherwise really like because of a (very understandable and officially encouraged, yet) preconceived notion you had about it.

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Not sure if this has been posted here yet but Nightlife Electronics in Vancouver has these on sale for %15 until the end of March. Not sure if this sale is available at other retailers. Figured I’d post it here though:


Moog Audio in Montreal too.


With it freezing, I also think it may be due to the MPE input.

I have had the desktop Udo super 6 for about 6 months, and I have used a MIDI keyobard, Squarp Hapax, and analog synths for MIDI and have not had to reset it even once.

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I updated my desktop on the iMac from .28 and .53. After the deletion of .28 and install of .53 I removed the usb cable once the transfer was done. I then powered off. When I powered on all the lights are blinking non stop. Any ideas on what to do next? I contacted their support team.

I know with Macs there’s a thing where you have to delete the trash file (or something along those lines, haven’t used a Mac in a decade so I’m not sure of the exact terminology). If you forgot to do that, there isn’t enough storage on board to write the full firmware and it won’t function correctly. I think you can still plug it in and try the update again.


Forgive me if this was posted already, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it.


Looks like UDO are releasing something new at Superbooth…


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I Hope they release an editor for your computer so you can save your patches and see what your slider values are.


hardware companies survive by releasing hardware :cool:

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yes this looks to be in the CS80 direction, rather than the Jupiter direction. interested to see and hear more… also I’m excited they’re doing well enough to design and build a whole new synth, for being a young company that immediately was met with Covid headwinds when preparing their first release.


Take my money