Unconventional use of 303 sounds

john frusciante in his trickfinger alias, and this album in particular


Ah, so its not 303s you dont like, its the annoying use of them

Totally agree with you there then. 303s with cranked resonance and distortion is just annoying, horrible sound.
Clean 303s, with just the right resonance on the other hand, gorgeous.






It seems to me most clones just concentrate on the „acid“ side of it, but lack the low end of the original
I have some really nice clean TB303 samples with low resonance from samples from mars, and they have the perfect bass tone for many of my tracks

The best acid is clean acid




preach :+1:

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Thats just a byproduct of distortion though. More distortion = less low end tone.
Acid doesnt have to be that way, its just one aspect of the genre.
303s (or any clone) have bucket loads of low end, just leave the distorion out of it.
Diode filters tend not to loose low end as the resonance increases. Thats what my ears tell me anyway.

Andreas Tilliander’s TM404 project was/is devoted to unconventional deployment of 303, 606, 202, etc… https://youtu.be/WE5kOjMEQqc
TM404 - 303/303/303/303 - YouTube


Yep, best way to avoid losing the bass is to use a tube drive (i.e a proper vacuum tube) and don’t overdo it, then you can kind of get the best of both worlds.


Shameless self plug:

I don’t think this is acid? I called it lofi/deep house? The response in the bassline is a Future Retro Revolution(see the “cover”). Just a hypnotic loop with some mild filter and envelope mods. I find the FRR is an adequate clone if you stay within certain parameters. Its capable of more than a normal 303 so it can quickly lose any resemblance.

Also, I suppose compositionally, any 303 clone would be less conventional if you did not use it for just short loops. For example, I can’t think of any standout acid tunes that the 303 pattern changed every bar. That may be more about my very superficial understanding of the genre though. Maybe IDM Acid is a thing? Or is that then just IDM?


Turn off resonance.

Don’t use slides.


daaaaaaaaaamn that track is nice, hadn’t heard it before

I don’t mean the distorted sounds. I don’t like them anyway.
I think I hear more low end generally in the clean sounds of the original compared to TT, TD or 03. I also hear this in the Re303. More - let’s call it punchy for a lack of a better word - bass.
Could be my imagination though :upside_down_face:

hehe , that cracked me up and so true :slight_smile:

Does anyone think that the sound that comes in at 0:31 might be a 303?

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I heard it was named the 103 because…

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