Unconventional use of 303 sounds

This person has made nice non-acid patterns:

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How far can you go with a 303 and some FX? Soundscapes? Bass lines? Euphoric leads? Pads? Acid lines? I reckon you can do pretty much anything with the right FX…

You can hear the bubbly bass sound actually in a lot of basic channel productions. Or listen to Rhythm & Sound - Queen of my Empire. When I had a xoxbox and played around with the sawtooth wave, there was one sweet spot with filter nearly closed and no resonance, that remined me a lot on that Queen of my Empire bass sound.

I would love to know more about the synths they used. But I also like that they are keeping the mysterie alife :sweat_smile: One day I saw Porter Ricks live. They used an akai sampler with 8 channels out to mixing desk

For nowadays 303 music: JakoJako

Can be done on any 303 clone.

Here a MB33 (303 clone) does the super fast arpeggio and then the solo later in the track, through an auto-wha from Eventide. I guess this counts as unconventional use of 303 sounds? :slight_smile: