Venting : someone stole one of my sample pack to sell it as his own

No character attacks,please.

Combat his ideas, not his person


Crazy that he sells so many things and still act like that.

What part of his person am I attacking?

“Why are you here?”

Implying that he shouldn’t be here. That his person is not welcome

I don’t agree, sorry

Don’t agree with what?

The exact words my in-laws say every time I see them!


I feel like talking about the sample pack in question and evidence pertaining to it would be the most civil and productive way to remind ourselves we are a community, and none of us is immune to this kind of issue.


For many years youtube was a place where you could find pretty much anything you wanted to watch and then it all got shut down because certain interests started screaming copyright and now youtube is 99% shit and all the good stuff has gone. Copyright has been invoked as a way to squashing everyone’s ability to speak freely and post whatever they wanted. Most people lament the old youtube and would like to could go back to those good old days. Copyright law is less about protecting the rights of an individual and more as a way of cracking down on the freedoms of everyone.

Like any system, it can be abused. That doesn’t mean the base sentiment of the legal concept isn’t ethical/necessary.

The old adage: don’t throw the baby out with thr bathwater

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If you’re referring to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998 I hate to say it but certain interests already compiled and began to enforce that prior to the inception of youtube.


I agree with @shigginpit we are probably being insensitive to the OP’s plight.


Like I just told to the mods in private, Im a bit bummed about all of this but you guys make me feel better by simple being morally concerned (excuse my english).


We’re also keeping it bumped in the feed.

But to satisfy with OP’s case in this non-kangaroo court. The evidence:

  1. There’s no available evidence that creme sounds has ever owned a mc to sample it:
    A. Video demo from RMR
    B. Audio demo from Elektrons playlist

  2. Creme sounds reached out to sell his sample pack on his site prior to buying it and listing it on his site.

Question about legitimacy of the claim: the timeline of events


I think we’d make great friends in real life :space_invader::facepunch::heart:


Copyright inaccurate?

The unfollowing on gumroad is what shifted my bias but I just want to keep this above the belt so I’m trying to remain impartial.


That’s not life, this is merely a consequence of capitalist culture for some people. But this kind of culture is not inevitable, and it is not human nature. We can very well coexist in a more productive and compassionate way, and from what I gather, most people here actually choose to do so. We simply expect more from each other, and point out when somebody does not live up to that standard.

No law has any “basis in reality”, laws are constructs that help codify a desired culture. By their very nature, laws are description of how those who make those laws want the reality to be.

Yeah well, you appear to be a little behind on this one: where guns are restricted, you see a lot less crimes with guns.


I owned/still own several Elektron machines. The sound pack included custom sounds I made myself, plus stock sounds, some of which were resampled from the author sound pack. That’s all it happened. Apologies for “stealing” the factory sounds from the author of the original sound pack. Having seen all the mess this caused I decided to remove the pack from our webshop.


And that’s that.