Venting : someone stole one of my sample pack to sell it as his own

Just out of interest, do people make serious money selling sample packs like these? Or is it just a few bugs here and there? And i don’t mean samples from mars or some other big sites.




I am wondering if samples can be protected like songs, is there an equivalent to BMI /ASCAP/ SACEM / name your PRO , but for samples ?

OK, lets say a man rears a beautiful cat and people come from miles around to see it and he charges a nominal fee to come and view it then another guy comes along, pays the fee, takes a photograph of the cat and sells copies of that picture for a profit is he doing anything wrong? Does the owner of the cat have any right to stop anyone from taking pictures of his cat? Is he actually losing anything from the other mans gain?

I’ve seen someone reply (can’t remember who was it) recently that they made a sample pack and that it made them more money then all of their bandcamp/spotify etc. plays/sales, not sure how many in numbers but looks like you can make good money from it…

EDIT: found it! yeah a sample pack can sell!


If he or she’s running an attraction, the he or she has the right to determine the behavioral requirements of attending that attraction.

Such as the common one of “no phones, no photography”

Exactly, why would you tarnish your reputation like that!?


Interesting. Although we don’t know how much or little the person made with streams and sales before. But i’m enticed to resample, er record my own sample packs in the future.

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YouTubers on here. Here is your chance for clicks while promoting OPs sample pack.

Ready? Break! :grinning:


I could have added more detail to make a better analogy but I’m quite tired. So lets say people are permitted to take photographs and he is selling pics himself. This other guy takes his own pics and sells them and makes a profit… has the cat owner actually lost anything?

Its not possible to know

If someone went onto your bandcamp, downloaded the songs and released them for sale as their own, would you mind? That is a better analogy.


I wouldn’t be happy about it but I think it would be relatively easy to prove that they were my songs. Samples and sounds is a bit more of a grey area. recording a sound is hardly the same as writing a song. I know there are arguments in favour of copyright but I feel that in the majority of cases more is lost to the public at large than is gained from the enforcement of copyright “law” or statutes and what has happened with youtube is a perfect example of how we have all lost something and only a few have gained but we are all poorer because of it.

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I have another question. Not to stir up s#!t but purely because i find the topic interesting and don’t know the answer myself.

It is legal to sell a sample from a factory SOUND from the Model:Cycles.
But is it legal to sell a resample from a factory SAMPLE from the Model:Sample?
Is Elektron the owner of their factory samples but not their factory sounds?

Again, i don’t want to argue and i’m against selling sample packs that you didn’t produce yourself.

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You definitely should :+1:

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Thats something I brought up earlier. Super confusing.

I mean, people sell factory sounds from classic romplers/samplers right?

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It depends - personally I think sampling factory sounds without any creative processing is something else, but creating original sounds and samples from scratch takes a lot of time and effort, so no grey area there.


I suspect CremaCafe to be very borderline with his many sample packs. Like his movie samples stuff, no way he is allow to use that…

Could be in the free domain

I certainly don’t, but to be able to share something, to be part of a community and to justify (a bit) the equipment motives me. Few bucks are just good feeling but certainly not worth the hours.

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