Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

Another short patch demo (wavetable + resonator). Primary notes are:

  1. X axis adjusts spectrum.
  2. Y axis adjusts position.
  3. The komplex modulator is sliding through different spectrum intervals at different cycle rates per voice.

Edit: As usual, I’m using a key-tracked BP filter, because I’m pretty sensitive to low frequency build up.

I deeply wish you could set up the dual filters to work in series, instead of only parallel, as I’d miss what the comb filter brings to this.


You’re missing some kind of Analog Heat, I’d say…



Haha, I actually have one. :sweat_smile: — I just don’t like the idea of using it on “patch demos”. For tracks, absolutely, but yeah.

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Still waiting for my Iridium to ship. I think I’ve watched loopops video at least 10 times :slight_smile:

Regarding the sound of the Iridium, I’ve seen people describe it as “digital” and “harsh” and “cold” and “brittle” and I’m like yes! Because sometimes I want that.

To me it sounds fascinating and alien. The mids and highs are a bit exaggerated, with a strong clarity and presence. At first the sound didn’t captivate me, but now I’m really digging it.


It is absolutely ^these things to a T.

My particular journey getting here involved the announcement of the Hydra and being rather blown away by literally everything about it but the sound.

Then, my good friend @Millolab suggested I look more into Waldorf’s older racks (the Q rack and XT). – Both of which, I absolutely loved the tones out of. I was in the process of deciding between those when the Iridium was leaked (I believe this was the same day as the recent DT/ DN firmware was released).

Sound-wise, the oscillators got me right away. Feature-wise, it looked like the Q-rack and XT wrapped into 1 and then some. It even had CV inputs and a live granular function to boot.
Add to these the assurance of a warranty + safety of the return period, and I was sold. :slight_smile:


This would complement my current rig nicely, it’s just that

is something I don’t have from my current location.

Just curious, does anyone know the technical specs of the Iridium/Quantum?

Bit depth: ???
Sample Rate: ???
DSP: Single ARM quad core? MHz?

I’m not sure if we’ll ever get these details, but I want to know them.


I looked for these for a few days and gave up. :confused:

I also think it’s a bit strange that Waldorf is seemingly less transparent in this regard.

Another beauty…


By far my favorite thing of it I’ve heard thus far.

Really lovely stuff.

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This one is amazing too (from the Quantum)

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Yeah, @astrolab’s Quantum stuff is super lovely.


Sweetwater told me that my Iridium is still scheduled to arrive next week, but it has no tracking information, so it’s expected to get a new ETA.

Man, I would love to get it next week! But I need to push that idea out of my mind :slight_smile:

at Thomann, they announced 4-5 weeks … :worried:


Ugh… and typically Europe is faster for accessing Waldorf gear.

I just wish it was a solid ETA vs pushing it out another 4-5 weeks, only to be told in 4-5 weeks, that it will be another 4-5 weeks :slight_smile:

In the Loopop video he shows that the Komplex modulator can be polyphonic.
Is that true?
If so, that is nuts! :heart_eyes:

I know the LFO’s “only” go to 100Hz, but the fact that they can be polyphonic is really cool.
Crazy that there are 6 of them per layer. :drooling_face:


My last video is using the Komplex Modulator to polyphonically modulate the “WT Spectrum” param.

  • When the X-axis is at minimum, it’s set to Curve A which modulates between semi-tone values of: -12/ 0/ 12.
  • When the X-axis is at maximum, it’s set to Curve B which modulates between semitone values of: -7, 0, 7

This involved a bit of maths given the WT Spectrum param’s range is -60 semis to +60 semis, and mod depths are percentage based.

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ok, i did it, yesterday i pulled the trigger, so mine will arrive at the end of October


Noticed this on Twitter.
