Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

Since that was brought over from the Quantum, you can also watch a Quantum video, like this one that uses a sample of movie dialogue. That should be the same on the Iridium. Later in the video he starts using the filter which will be different.

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Nice, I’ll start digging through you tube for some examples then. Cheers

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Grats! Les us know how you like it once you get it.

And if you don’t like it, you know my address :wink:

Nearly pre ordered one today…price aside (which is a lot for me!), when I listen to the demos, there are very few sounds I’d actually use in my music, but the sound engine and layout leads me to think you could really make this thing your own. At this price, I’d like to be just a bit more convinced :confused:

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If you can’t picture yourself performing with it for hours on end then the instrument wasn’t meant for you. Especially if you’re spending more than 2000. It’s nice to have a pretty 2000 dollar machine but if it’s not a workhorse what value are you getting ?


This is exactly what I’m thinking. Also, it’s not even “just” 2000 dollars. I’ve heard it’s listing for as much as 3000, or even nearer to 4000 Canadian dollars. Let’s not lose all perspective — that’s an awful lot for a digital desktop synth. Even at 1500 this thing would give me serious pause. There are a lot of attractive synths on the market and – I’ve seen how these boards work – it won’t be long until the next “must-have” is announced and everybody is onto that and off this. Probably selling their Iridiums. I wouldn’t doubt that this one will go as gently into the night as the Kyra did.


We are at a point where there is a hot synth waiting to be bought every 3 months. The thing is you have to do your research with how the ergonomics are on YouTube vids and how well it can be played. Imagine doing that every three months and not making a song. It was the best of times it was the worst of times.


Exactly! Thing is, I don’t know that I wouldn’t use it a ton, I just can’t quite tell yet :slight_smile:


Sweetwater quoted me 2,499USD

Thank you for finally showing a real US price. It’s not the quaint “a bit less than $3000” as if it’s some sort of secret.

Surprised that Sweetwater hasn’t actually put it up on their web-site. Sounds though like they will take a pre-order at that price if you contact them. I haven’t found any US online store that list the “Waldorf Iridium” on-line.


Basically, I just wrote someone at Sweetwater and asked when they’d be available. His response was “Soon. Shall I put you down for one? They are going to sell fast and we aren’t getting very many.”

Whatever that means… had to write him back to ask the price, hoping he would quote something in the low $2k range, but it was $2,499. Most everything about it seems like something I could get on board with and as I said, the engine leads me to believe it can be programmed to suit an individuals wants for sound design.

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I nearly bought a Quantum several times. This at least for the moment is more capable than the Quantum, unless you really want the internal analog filters – i won’t review the pros and cons list here. But that, with the reduced price really gives this an added attraction to me.

Plus i like the CV IN additions on the Iridium.

This is part of a family, and from what Rolf is saying in that recent video, features added to one will be added to the other, if the underlying technologies allow it. He also seems to imply there may be another in the family, as i cited before.

One thing that might be a killer for some people is you have to be ready to adapt to the touch screen and use it as a part of working with these machines.


That doesn’t bother me personally if it makes sense for the machine

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Last week they quoted me $2850 on “discount” from 3k. I called back later to say the conversion wasn’t right and this thing should cost 2300 or so and they told me that’s a couple hundred less than they pay for them.

I and a few others I know cancelled our preorders due to the games. Now magically the price is lower. Honestly I’m not even sure that’s the bottom yet.


That’s pretty crazy! Was this with Sweetwater?

Waldorf/ppg polys through the years. Wave (monster hybrid digital analog)->Microwave 1 (stripped down rack mount hybrid digital analog)->Microwave 2 (more voices a few more knobs digital)-> Microwave XT (KNOBS!!! digital)-> Q(Digital…knobs… VA…)->Micro Q. (AKA LIL Q), Q+ (Hybrid digital analog…rare), Blofeld (digital va wavetables, MATRIX!, tiny!), vaporware…more blofelds…more blofelds… Nave (awesome digital wavetabler), string machine? (drawing a blank on the name), Quantum (Digital analog hybrid wavetable monster, TOUCHSCREEN!), Iridium (digital baby!, more voices). They certainly have a pattern :grinning:

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OMG! Now this is news! I’m so glad to see this.

Yup. Gonna see if they were price gouging. I expect an apology from my sales rep or I’m gone

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could not have chose 2 better pictures for the comparison :joy:

You don’t need an apology – it gives you nothing long term. What they can do is match the price – if you think that price is fair.

And if they want to, you could ask them what’s happening – why is the price on the Iridium so fluid in the USA right now? Is this inside Sweetwater, or is it outside – like with the US dustributor? Or is it with Waldorf? Information like that could be valuable to you. You may or may not get an answer. The sales rep might not even know.

Perhaps this is just early price bounce and you can wait it out.