Waldorf M

I’m GAS’ing hard for this one. Put up both Hydrasynth and Peak for sale to hopefully get one.

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Aaaand another one… :slight_smile:


In terms of what M’s sounds would add to what I’ve got, it doesn’t really do it for me. I have to say, though, that my Kyra’s hardware is hands down the most luxurious feel of any box I’ve ever owned, even if it’s not my favorite synth. Since the M’s chassis and basic hardware are identical, plus add the more informative screen (Kyra’s is even smaller, but still pretty much all you need) and the push button knobs, it’ll have an even more deluxe feel than Kyra. I’m assuming all those black knobs are aluminum, not plastic, or else I take back what I said about premium feel.

The 4-multitimbrality makes me want to try out an M, though I wish it had a fast “clone part 1” function because I’d use it almost exclusively with four identical parts so that I can do 4-polyphonic microtonality. Any idea how quick and convenient the workflow would be to mess with part 1, then clone it to all three remaining parts?

Some cool sounds here:


You can use what’s commonly called an insertcable or Y-cable; one stereo (TRS) to two mono (TS) male jacks (or plugs if you want to be politically correct). Example:

Cordial makes nice quality cables.

So, are the 4 Aux outs each stereo then?

Yes, they are.

I’m getting tempted… I have a rev A microwave that I might replace with this beast…


Hey everyone! I just got an M today and it does sound lovely. I had a Microwave 1 years ago and only sold it due to the lacking controls. So this is a dream come true.

Sadly I have two technical problems (that may be related), so I wanted to check if you maybe ran into these as well:

  1. If I understand it correctly, you have to update the host firmware and the DSP separately. Updating the firmware worked but if I try to update the DSP, I just get an ‘Init Error 1’. Any ideas what this could mean?

  2. I can play the synth as expected from my Launchpad (in notes mode). But as soon as I connect the Digitone via midi, the M is receiving constant midi notes. No sequence is running etc. It is just the mere connection of the synth that is causing the M to stress out. It receives infinitely held
    notes and thus maxes out all voices when I press a few keys.

For the first problem I would try getting in touch with waldorf or you could also possibly try the gearspace thread on the M as a Dev has been pretty active there. the only things I can think of with the second problem is make sure you have the device turned off when switching the midi? also make sure you don’t have a midi loop somewhere? maybe you are getting midi over USB and DIN?

Thanks for your reply. I will definitely contact Waldorf.

For the midi thing, it really feels like a loop but there isn‘t one. It’s quite strange.

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Not really… just 4 mono lines - one do bass, two mono arpegiated synthlines, one mono melody…

Quite standard synth pop arrangement for me…


regarding 1. yes Open a ticket with Waldorf, but also read along on synthesizerforum.de. Vladimir answers there too. He recently wrote there that the DSP update since the recent version is causing the STM32 bootloader to „flicker“. He is working on this issue. He recommended to try the update 7 - 8 times.
Did you also try it with a different SD card?

Auf Firmware-Update - ich fand das besser, DSP zuerst zu aktualisieren, dann System. Warnung - bei einigen Ms kann das DSP-Update aufgrund eines seltsamen Flackerfehlers des STM32-Bootloaders, den ich zu beheben versuche, nicht vom ersten Befehlstart beginnen. Bitte entschuldigen Sie dies, dieser Fehler wurde beim Betatest leider total uebersehen und trat nur in der letzte Version auf :sad: sad: macht mir aber verrueckt!.
Wenn das bei Ihnen der Fall ist, versuchen Sie einfach, das DSP-Update mehrmals neu zu starten (bis zu 7-8 Mal). Das sollte helfen, den Updater zu starten.
Liebe Gruesse aus Remagen

Regarding 2. this is possibly caused by a wrong implementation of Midi on the M, where it doesn’t interpret „note off“ commands and only velocity = 0. Or was it the other way round? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Vladimir is working on this too.
Check on your Digitone if you send both. BTW. I play my M via Digitone Keys without any issues.

Beitrag im Thema ‘Waldorf M - Microwave Nachfolger’

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Many thanks for the input @plusn! I opened a ticket and will try the other steps today.

Also, I forgot how horribly ‘Stammtisch’ that sequencer forum is. Need to take a shower now :slight_smile:


:rofl: I really know what you mean. I constantly have to bite my fingers. It’s even worse than GS…


had mine as of today, thought I would share my first patch :slight_smile: strega is adding some delay to it.



Good ol’ google translate :grin:

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Looking forward to hearing what you pull out of this one!

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I’m afraid that term is almost impossible to translate as it mainly involves a cultural connotation. Google is not wrong, tho.

So far I really like the M, I only had time to make some single patches, some are on my social. Hopefully next week I can try it out in the context of a real track.

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Digressing into linguistics here: “Stammtisch” is not only the regular table, but refers to the group of people who meet there regularly and their topics and style of communication; typically older men struggling with the complexities of the modern world, ranting about how things used to be better in the old days and how [put whatever triggers conservatives here] is ruining everything.

English native speakers, is there a similar phrase in English?


Ordered one from my local retailer. Wont get it before the end of october.

Would love if someone could make a basic demo going through some wavetables. :wink:

That is not a good description, imho. A Stammtisch is more a form of gathering of people around the same interest in order to socialize, share knowledge, meet new people, maybe finding friends. This can be positive or negative. It’s a very German thing and along the years got from the mainstream media the cliche image fitted that you described. And some people on that particular forum very much act like this cliche. However a Stammtisch per se is neither a good or bad thing. It is what the people make out of it.