Waldorf M

From Gearspace, I hope Vlad don’t mind :wink:

Hi guys, (and gals)

There is a link to my Google Drive for the FW 1.08, tested and is ready for release. The official Waldorf release will follow a bit later due to some technical problems.



  • fixed : user WT loading to modern mode with two different UWTs.

  • fixed : screen refresh on receive sysexes does not occur anymore.

  • fixed : sample transfer can lose samples under certain conditions.

  • fixed : color bug in control slots.

  • fixed : the Mod Wheel splitted between the parts.

  • fixed : Note On Velocity 0 override if arpeggio is enabled.

  • improved : removed MIDI LED blicking on MIDI Clock arrived.

  • improved : MIDI Clock Slave mode more stable tracking (although not fully fixed with certain devices with 48/96 ppm).

  • improved : modern user WT transforms in modern mode — lowest octaves now not losing half of the samples.

  • improved : now by default all UWTs are sawtooth (valid only for new / flash formatted M).

  • improved : global LFO settings rate and shape are now separated from LFO2.

  • improved : added orange marker for MW2 mode-related parameters.

  • improved : checked alignment of slots in UI.

  • improved : updated User WT loading routines, changed interpolation algorithms. Fixed bug with lost samples.

  • improved : some adjustment in the random sound init for digiVCF

  • improved : UI fixes after user requests (MIX, VCF pages).

  • improved : release stage of EG now released until -105 dB instead of -85dB (as on MW1). Allow the following S&H of 508 of Microwave 1 more precisely.


  • added : new system parameters - VCA control scalers, 16-bit UWT samples setting.

  • added : Smooth scan implemented for modern mode.

  • added : last three digital VCFs of MW2 for modern mode.

SAMPLEHOLD - S&H followed LP12 — Extra parameter is the clock of S&H.
SHAPER - MW2 shaper (variable shaper) - Extra is Wave of WT2 - the «Wave-To-Shape».
FMLP12 - OSC2 output as FM input for LP12, Extra is depth of modulation.

  • added : extra 4 digiVCF types for modern mode (one also for both)

the next two were proposed by gearspace user Xpanderbeanz — many thanks! :

SAMPLEHOLDHP - S&H followed HP12
FMHP12 - OSC1 as FM for HP12

FBOOST - 6db BP ac as EQ (Extra = mix between the dry signal and BP6-processed), cutoff set frequency, and resonance set the amplification of frequency. Works also in classic OSC mode!

MSHAPER — my (VladiS) Dankeschön to all of you. M shaper is the same as MW2 shaper (OSC2 Wave as shape curve) with one exception — it uses not an Extra parameter but real actual wave from OSC2. I.e. it is a modulable shaper, i.e. shape curve will constantly change as long as the wave of OSC2 is changing. In other words, it always takes an actual wave of OSC2 to shape the signal. (Shape curve is an actual wave from OSC2, Extra - Depth (mix between processed and dry signal)). Try it, and welcome to the darkest side of M!

  • added : Gate State as modulator (Gate On = 1, Gate Off = 0).

  • added : 16-bit user wavetable loader (with selectable wave size & interpolation). Just use wtslotxx.wav file (instead of wtslotxx) with signed 16-bit mono samples inside, 256 samples wavelength.

  • added : Option to save Multi and update the linked sounds simultaneously. One need
    press Shift + OK on the Arrangement Save screen, and all single sounds, linked to the arrangement, will be updated too.

  • added : Voice Noise modulator for all OSC modes. Try it and blow your mind with blown-like sounds. Through reverb is a deep space dive.

  • added : «Last minute call» SD card simple logger (bank/patch/multi/part save/restore on load).

  • added : «Last minute call» VCA Scaler per voice support (work like VCA manual attenuation tuning in the range 0.5 - 1.0 Scaler of max attenuation. As it is not logarithmic, applied to the Digital VCA CV BEFORE analog logariphmisation — the effect is relatively subtle (ca. -10 dB) but allows to «soften» VCAs response of M.

(details in Sysex documentation)

  • added : Sysex command 0x70 0x71 (request SoundParam / answer & set SoundParam) implemented.

  • added : Sysex 0x74 - full sound request with 0x72 answer. The answer is universal, i.e. can be sent in the currently active patch.

  • added : Sysex 0x7A / 0x7B - multi parameter request / answer-set accordingly.

  • added : 0x75h - Multi Request Sysex with answer 0x73.

  • added : System parameters request/answer (0x7C / 0x7D) Sysex.

  • updated : 0x72 Sysex processing, now with bank/slot select enabled if any inside.

  • updated : 0x73 Sysex (arrangment), now with bank / slot select enabled if any inside.

…and all minor updates & tunings which are yet forgotten


Was coming here to paste it also… one heck of an update. Plus I have the day off to mess with it :slight_smile:


As was I. :smiley:

Can’t wait to try it!

hmm sadly it seems note off 0 is broken again so you can’t play it from a digitakt at all now… hard to know if the arp was fixed or not when all notes get no off command :sweat_smile:

That’s a big update for sure!
I just took another glimpse in the manual. I can’t figure out how modern mode works filter-wise: is the digital filter put in front or after the analogue vcf, or is the analogue filter switched off completely when using the mw2 filter?

I really am on the fence of selling my xt and ambika to get this big boy. I love the interface, the separate wavetables and especially the sound… :wink:

the analog filter is after the digital filter in the signal path I don’t think you can full turn off the analog filter.

Also looks like midi channel 1 is working correctly for note off on the digitakt just not other midi channels.

I haven’t yet experimented with the digital filter. That’s an interesting decision to put it before. I wonder if their signal path and code is flexible enough to where it could be put before OR after?

That said, I think the analog filters have enough dynamic range to where fully open, they’d be transparent enough. (though I haven’t tried yet as mentioned) In fact the main thing I’ve been doing is playing with the bit crusher :smiley:

the wavefolder stuff is absolutley bonkers… took me a minute to figure out you have to turn up the paramtere labeled EXTRA on the next page (all the digi filter stuff in the mixer menu) also now we have the new mod source of oscillator noise… it sounds absolutely nuts on the analog filter. :drooling_face: honestly this synth + a sampler is all I ever need.

Wavefolding between 2 wavetables is like a whole pandoras box opened up… so many more sounds instantly at my finger tips.


I have a four device (plus two Strymon pedals) setup now, and it does more than I could possibly need. Wavetables, FM, Analog, Samples. I still want a Syntakt, but that’s for secondary needs, and will probably be used on its own most of the time as my mobile synth box. Honestly I could “get by” :smiley: on just the M. Better yet, M+Digitone Keys. The two were made for each other.


First little patch on the update. Using the new Wshaper and Vnoise features.


The update is just crazy. The new filter/shaper modes add a very nice extra layer of crazy that I think complements the existing parts extremely well.

The random init preset thing is broken, and STILL I managed to get 5–6 keeper patches with it.

Especially for someone who’s into broken/fragile sounds, I think this is the ticket. The thing just has so much character.


I’ve had the M for a couple of weeks now but am just having my first real play with it.

What is the secret to receiving Program and Bank changes in Multi Mode? No response whatsoever.

Works fine when in single sound mode.

(V1.07 and V1.08)


Update: For anyone interested, Waldorf have confirmed it is a bug which they hope to correct in a future firmware release.

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Yes, seems like the settings for the random init does not change much either. Changes seem to be very drastic for everything all the time. I set at least the pitch settings to default by double clicking those, but as you said, the outcome is still amazing, I am getting some great bleebs, blurbs and drones with it now. Probably will miss it in a way when Vlad fixes it :laughing:


What an update! The new wave shapers are so cool; lots of quality of life improvements as well. I’ll need to test it with my Octatrack to see if I’m getting the same note off bug as @bwo describes above. Hopefully not, but if so I guess I can live with using Channel 1 until it’s fixed.

@rennweg I also love the totally broken random init “feature.” I definitely wouldn’t have come up with any of the sounds I just got out of it, even if they were all panned hard right to begin with (apparently that’s part of the bug since it automatically gives panning a value of 63). I’m going to save a bunch of these terrifying screaming ghost pads so that when Vladi fixes it I’ll have some great base patches for my horror movie soundtracks.


In what way has the M surprised you guys positively or negatively?

How easily you can get to a lo fi chip tune sound but at the same time if you want to sound clean you can too.


Nice. This is the kind of stuff that is very hard to spot from the reviews.
There is something very musical and pleasing about the way the M’s sound “disintegrates” when pushed into experimental directions.


Basically: It sounds good also when it sounds bad. :slightly_smiling_face: (A bit like the magic of the MNM actually, though it does not really sound like the MNM in any way.)


I might not be the only one eagerly awaiting a decksaver for my M, so just to share some info:

I wrote Decksaver.co.uk and asked about it, and they said that “before Christmas” they would have a new decksaver out that should fit the Iridium, Kyra and M units. Looking forward to this!


Now is such a bad time for me to be financially responsible when I can get the only synth I want for $1k less than usual :hot_face: