Waldorf M

I am experiencing erratic behaviour on both wavetable position encoders lately, like it happened to my and other Polyend tracker MK I models.
Hoped it would go away with 1.08., but it did not… Will write Waldorf about it the next days. Mine is always covered up and has not been used intensively. Feels a bit weird, cause I also send in my Iridium for repair 6 month ago (now have it). :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This may be a really silly question, and I apologize for that in advance, but since I don’t know much about the erratic behavior I thought I’d ask.

Are you seeing this when the wavetables are being modulated, or is it purely an encoder issue when a plain/static sweep is occurring in say an init patch? Or are they jumping around on their own?

Just trying to get a picture of if it could just be the state of the patch, or actual hardware/software issues.

Mine are rock solid, so just curious mainly.

Using din midi, latest firmware 1.08
Didnt have this issue on earlier firmware.
No problems with the Torso T-1.
Odd :joy:

Not a silly question at all :wink:
When I turn them either direction they jump back and forth, need to do it through the wavetable window to get the results I want. Have to do some more checking if in any case this goes away with different patches or so, thanks for the suggestion.

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Well let me know what you all find out with the encoders, I think I am going to hold off until I know if it is a software or hardware issue.

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Hmmm I just tested it out with USB midi from Hapax and it worked just fine. Is the M still responding fine to Din Midi? Did you recently update the firmware?

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Update on this. Init patch. Made two short movies that were too large to upload. Slowly turning both directions of encoder one and same on second encoder. Gonna send this to Waldorf support, came really by surprise… and it happened to both around the same time, sigh ;( At least I live in Germany and do not have the hassle to ship overseas, if it needs to go for repair. Let you know how Waldorf responds.

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I played the M using the Digitone Keys the night 1.08 came out for a few minutes, just manual noodling (DIN MIDI). I haven’t used it a lot though yet, so something could still come up.


Oh, I see. Yeah that is weird. I haven’t noticed anything like that on mine, but I haven’t really paid attention closely either while playing. I’ll double check though, since I just updated my firmware, etc. just to see.

Do you have anything plugged into the M that could potentially be sending erratic data to it, or maybe a bug where the M is picking up something it shouldn’t? (like USB noise or something)

No, USB and Midi Din unplugged. Thanks for checking on yours! :wink:

No problem! I don’t get to leave work for a couple of hours, but I’ll check it out when I get home, and post back.

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I’ll try some other gear via usb but no, i haven’t updated the firmware recently & yes it’s still responding well to midi din control

Hmm I had a bit of that but it seemed to work itself out with a little twiddling… hopefully not a bad batch of encoders

@J3RK Have you tried running different midi channels on the new update from the digitakt or digitone? curious if you ran into the hanging notes thing that I am on everything but midi channel one. Vlad never confirmed this bug to me over on the gearspace forums never mind he confirmed it just not in response to me :smile:

On mine it looks like the display / cpu cant keep up when adjusting the wave encoder too fast. At first i was worried about it but i guess its “normal”. The display is kinda jerky on the M, feels like 90 tech :slight_smile:

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late to this, but i wanted to add that i was very surprised by how much better the simple waveshapes sound through the filter than almost any analog poly i’ve heard. asic bug plus classic mode & some hard sync through that gorgeous filter is an unbelievable sound

i was surprised at how many people slept on this, considering the thomann prices, but i am very happy to see this thread growing with all the recent praise

i am an idiot for selling mine, but after seeing the new features in this recent fw update, i am gonna have to grab another one for sure


Yeah, the sound is just so good and exciting. One of those synths I’m perfectly willing to buy without even trying one before.

Mistakes happen but fortunately this isn’t a rare instrument so buying another shouldn’t be a problem. :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity what made you sell yours?

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Interesting, for me and my “wave encoder erratic problem”, I only experience this when I use these (red) encoders. When I use the encoders below the display for “Wave” I do not have that problem, so I guess it is more a encoder problem on my side. Waiting for Waldorf support to have a specific answer on this, for me the big, red wavetable encoders are pretty much unusable right now.

i do a lot of selling. i trick my brain into thinking i need a different sound or more options, or even just a different way of sound designing to make the music i imagine myself making. i kind of have the one-in/one-out rule nowadays, and even if i do eventually sell my Take-5 to fund the M, i’m sure i’ll regret that as well, no matter how much i love the M.

i think in this case, it was getting used to the envelopes and normalled signal path, which i actually loved but felt like it was maybe a little more restrictive than an actual mod matrix, so i sold it and got a P12 and a Peak instead. But neither of those sounded nearly as good. i was also bigger than my other synths, so i kind of justified selling it by telling myself i didnt have the space. its a problem i have, always wanting to try something new in the hopes that its potentially going to have the sound i want coupled with the ability to make any sound imaginable without many limitations for sound design/synthesis

i remember thinking this at the time i owned it, but was just listening to some of the old loops i sampled from the Waldorf M into my Blackbox and i was just stunned by how much better it sounded than even full vco analog poly’s. thats rare, even for a hybrid. but the best part is that it has a unique beautiful character as well. its not just rich and “strong” sounding. like my take-5 is massive and beautiful, but the M has this very “physical modelling” type of timbre possible where you can hear different textures in it.

I was never really a fan of wavetable synthesis, but when i heard the M (mainly the 2 Rareo videos), i had to try it. and i was not disappointed. i do think it would take a little more time than the month i spent with it to get used to using wavetables rather than sculpting my own sounds from basic analog waveshapes. although when i had the M, my favorite thing to do was use the simple waveshapes, crunched up (or down) and just make slightly more unique-than-a regular vco timbre out of them. its perfect for that. but i was really in love with the formant waves and some of the ppg stuff as well

i think with these new waveshaping and bit crushing options, plus the new filters (i was in love with the digital filters from 1.07 as well), it would really be incredible

the thing that really sucks is that i got mine from thomann so cheap, but i also got this awesome stand from the uk. so that would be hard to do again without paying for that shipping plus whatever vat, but the juno price is even better. stock is getting low though


I will have to Mute this thread, GAS is rising at a fast pace (I know this Synth is special and has an awesome sounding core). I’m even thinking about selling my OT AE, what! :scream:


I think this is my favorite active thread. I’m loving the hype, the sounds, all things M.