Waldorf M

Check for me will ya :innocent:

My encoders are smooth. Got a chance to try really quick last night. The display tracks them perfectly.


after updating to 1.08 i had a strange oscillating of oscillators whereby every note would just sustain/release forever. had to revert to 1.07 to get it to stop.

i let Waldorf know.

I ran into that twice, but switching patches stopped it. I havenā€™t had time to try and narrow down the cause though.

heh, it would stop when switching patches but always started again when i hit a new note irrespective of the patch.

Oh, didnā€™t see that problem, just the initial sustaining

Well I wasnā€™t going to order one at the $2499 price point, but then I saw thomann had them for $1444 so I ordered one. So much for studio downsizing (I did narrow it down to just one synth that has a keyboard though so thatā€™s something!). Iā€™m really excited to get it. I think it completes my setup nicely.


Welcome friend!

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You can purchase the expansion from us for 699 ā‚¬ including the installation and return shipping. You would need to pay for the shipping to us yourself.

so expansion card is 699Euros + shipping!

Thatā€™s not too bad.

It has to have 8 more analog VCAs, and VCFs, plus the digital side all on a small card.

To put that into a bit of perspective, at the low volumes that I buy them at, the SSI2144 filter IC used in this synth is $7-8 each. So thatā€™s around $60 just for the filters needed. (of course Waldorf/Korg probably gets better pricing than I do buying 10-20 at a timeā€¦) Then it needs either two or four SSI2164 quad VCA chips (depending on whether theyā€™re configured exponential or linear). Thatā€™s either $15 or $30 depending. Then probably several op amp ICs, some passives, etc. Iā€™m not sure which MCU/DSP theyā€™re using but thatā€™s quite a bit. Then there was the R&D that went into the initial design of the synth being expandable, and the expansion PCB itself. It all adds up. I mean, theyā€™ll make some money off of it, and they should, but itā€™s not what Iā€™d call exorbitant.

The 8 voice expansion for the Prophet Rev2 is almost up to the same price now, and itā€™s just 8 PA397s, some op amps, and maybe some LM13700s. (all of which are cheaper than the above ICs)

$699 sounds about right. (Euro, Dollar, or Pound currently)

Iā€™ll be happy to pay for one of these as soon as Iā€™m able.


Ah opps read it properly and needs a return to base install.

i think you can request to do it yourself afaik.

if itā€™s anything like the ob6, itā€™s very trivial to do yourself.

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I would hope thatā€™s ok with them in cases where people are up for it. Iā€™d want to put mine in. Iā€™ve done XTs, and Rev2s, etc.

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yah, a handful of screws and plopping it in. not much to it.

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Dear fellow M-lovers and M-lurkers! I have just released a 41-minute track consisting more or less solely of droney stuff played on my M mixed up with field-recordings though the OT. (Only other stuff used is a a short guitar recording in the middle, and a old recording of my Peak near the end.) In other word basically a love letter to the M.

Hopefully some of you might enjoy it. :slightly_smiling_face:

As a happy owner I can confirm that the playability of this thing is amazing. I am no big sound designer, so most sounds used here are based on tweaked presets, just fiddling with stuff as I go, and making arrangements of the recordings later. Changing the wavetable alone can take you whole different places, and no matter what you does, it sounds lovely (or ugly in a lovely way.)


Big question for me is ā€¦ does the M do nice dub techno chords? I guess it can do due the wavetables (and I remember my micro Q had some nice sounds for dub techno chords back in the days). But didnĀ“t find any demos from the M yet. Recently I heared some chords from the Iridium and that was just wow. If someone can point me to youtube videos showing ambientish / dubby wavetable sounds, that would be nice.

I really like the MI Braids for that kind of stuff, but it sounds a little grainy in the top end.

I would say yes, but im not an expert in the Dub techno genre. I did post this a while back which is my attempt at some dub techno thing. Bassline is from the Opsix, rest is multitracked M.


Iā€™m having a hard time finding specifics on the newer features anywhere

Can anyone explain Transitions to me? How they are used, what theyā€™re for, how to add them to the M.

Iā€™m also confused about the most recent 1.08 update where you can upload a different type of wav file via sd which doesnā€™t require exporting as wavetable in serum or whatever wavetable creator youā€™re using. Is this possible, or did I misread the gearspace thread?

I hope the official 1.09 firmware comes with an updated manual because Iā€™d like a little clarification on the basics of the new dvcf modes too. Not that theyā€™re complicated, I just canā€™t really find a great use for some of the wav shaping and fm modes. I like them, theyā€™re just kind of subtle. Maybe there isnā€™t much more to say about them, I just donā€™t have the context from the older microwaves to go by

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Is it worth upgrading to the 1.08 firmware over the 1.07 firmware? I have heard some people complain about bugs with 1.08 but are there any must have features in it? I should be getting my M on monday and am wondering what firmware I should update it toā€¦

The new filter types are definitely worth it, yes

Hi guys, (and gals)

There is a link to my Google Drive for the FW 1.08, tested and is ready for release. The official Waldorf release will follow a bit later due to some technical problems.



  • fixed : user WT loading to modern mode with two different UWTs.

  • fixed : screen refresh on receive sysexes does not occur anymore.

  • fixed : sample transfer can lose samples under certain conditions.

  • fixed : color bug in control slots.

  • fixed : the Mod Wheel splitted between the parts.

  • fixed : Note On Velocity 0 override if arpeggio is enabled.

  • improved : removed MIDI LED blicking on MIDI Clock arrived.

  • improved : MIDI Clock Slave mode more stable tracking (although not fully fixed with certain devices with 48/96 ppm).

  • improved : modern user WT transforms in modern mode ā€” lowest octaves now not losing half of the samples.

  • improved : now by default all UWTs are sawtooth (valid only for new / flash formatted M).

  • improved : global LFO settings rate and shape are now separated from LFO2.

  • improved : added orange marker for MW2 mode-related parameters.

  • improved : checked alignment of slots in UI.

  • improved : updated User WT loading routines, changed interpolation algorithms. Fixed bug with lost samples.

  • improved : some adjustment in the random sound init for digiVCF

  • improved : UI fixes after user requests (MIX, VCF pages).

  • improved : release stage of EG now released until -105 dB instead of -85dB (as on MW1). Allow the following S&H of 508 of Microwave 1 more precisely.


  • added : new system parameters - VCA control scalers, 16-bit UWT samples setting.

  • added : Smooth scan implemented for modern mode.

  • added : last three digital VCFs of MW2 for modern mode.

SAMPLEHOLD - S&H followed LP12 ā€” Extra parameter is the clock of S&H.
SHAPER - MW2 shaper (variable shaper) - Extra is Wave of WT2 - the Ā«Wave-To-ShapeĀ».
FMLP12 - OSC2 output as FM input for LP12, Extra is depth of modulation.

  • added : extra 4 digiVCF types for modern mode (one also for both)

the next two were proposed by gearspace user Xpanderbeanz ā€” many thanks! :

SAMPLEHOLDHP - S&H followed HP12
FMHP12 - OSC1 as FM for HP12

FBOOST - 6db BP ac as EQ (Extra = mix between the dry signal and BP6-processed), cutoff set frequency, and resonance set the amplification of frequency. Works also in classic OSC mode!

MSHAPER ā€” my (VladiS) Dankeschƶn to all of you. M shaper is the same as MW2 shaper (OSC2 Wave as shape curve) with one exception ā€” it uses not an Extra parameter but real actual wave from OSC2. I.e. it is a modulable shaper, i.e. shape curve will constantly change as long as the wave of OSC2 is changing. In other words, it always takes an actual wave of OSC2 to shape the signal. (Shape curve is an actual wave from OSC2, Extra - Depth (mix between processed and dry signal)). Try it, and welcome to the darkest side of M!

  • added : Gate State as modulator (Gate On = 1, Gate Off = 0).

  • added : 16-bit user wavetable loader (with selectable wave size & interpolation). Just use wtslotxx.wav file (instead of wtslotxx) with signed 16-bit mono samples inside, 256 samples wavelength.

  • added : Option to save Multi and update the linked sounds simultaneously. One need
    press Shift + OK on the Arrangement Save screen, and all single sounds, linked to the arrangement, will be updated too.

  • added : Voice Noise modulator for all OSC modes. Try it and blow your mind with blown-like sounds. Through reverb is a deep space dive.

  • added : Ā«Last minute callĀ» SD card simple logger (bank/patch/multi/part save/restore on load).

  • added : Ā«Last minute callĀ» VCA Scaler per voice support (work like VCA manual attenuation tuning in the range 0.5 - 1.0 Scaler of max attenuation. As it is not logarithmic, applied to the Digital VCACV BEFORE analog logariphmisation ā€” the effect is relatively subtle (ca. -10 dB) but allows to Ā«softenĀ» VCAs response of M.

(details in Sysex documentation)

  • added : Sysex command 0x70 0x71 (request SoundParam / answer & set SoundParam) implemented.

  • added : Sysex 0x74 - full sound request with 0x72 answer. The answer is universal, i.e. can be sent in the currently active patch.

  • added : Sysex 0x7A / 0x7B - multi parameter request / answer-set accordingly.

  • added : 0x75h - Multi Request Sysex with answer 0x73.

  • added : System parameters request/answer (0x7C / 0x7D) Sysex.

  • updated : 0x72 Sysex processing, now with bank/slot select enabled if any inside.

  • updated : 0x73 Sysex (arrangment), now with bank / slot select enabled if any inside.

ā€¦and all minor updates & tunings which are yet forgotten

I would like to thank all of you for your priceless support and help with making M mature One year and thousands are sold - this is because of all of you guys. Thank you and have a nice intriguing weekend.

To fejai : the sysex documentation will follow a bit later. Sorry, buddy family first. And I donā€™t want a copy-paste code here as it was with Kyraā€¦

ā€œSome more patience, yeah (Iā€™ve been walking the streets at night)
Just trying to get it right (A little patience, yeah)ā€ Ā© Axel W Rose

Grettings for all from Remagen
Take care of yourself and your closer.


update : forgot about CC filters for parts in multi-mode. Now PB/MW/CC7/CC10 could be switched on and off for each part separately.

i mostly use FBOOST. currently using 1.08 RC3, which has fixed most of the bugs mentioned in that thread, i believe. havenā€™t noticed any myself yet anyway