Waldorf M

I would grab it anyway.

It will be stable using the latest firmware from the Waldorf site. Then just hold off updating for the newer features until the stable release comes out.

It’s in active development, so these issues are coming from pre-release versions (like betas/RCs).

The latest stable release while containing less of the new features, is stable.

The instrument itself is solid.

Edit: Just saw that Thomaso said the same thing. :smiley:


@J3RK, @josker, @thomaso, and @percussionboy thanks for the feedback. The bug issues are no longer a concern.


Well I think the M is a keeper. After a bad experience with the iridium I was a little worried about getting another Waldorf synth, but I am glad I did! My experience with the M has been entirely different and I am really loving it. Probably the most characterful digital/hybrid synth I have ever used, the YouTube demos really don’t do it justice. Wow.


this is definitely true. i have never been so blown away by a digital or hybrid synth’s character. its really shocking the first time you hear it. it really is a perfect mount of character and thickness that doesn’t overpower the frequency spectrum in a mix but still sounds rich and strong.

there’s something really special about the combination of the waves (with the asic bug in mode 1 and some of the new waveshape filters, or ring mod in mode 2 with wave 2 detuned slightly) through the analog filter that is actually magic. i find the fboost helps clarify whatever frequency you want to highlight also. such a nice additional tool to have with this synth, esp in the low end


Great tips, thanks! I used to be good about exploring every nook and cranny of a new synth, but these days I find I am usually not using it unless it is going in a track. With the M I think I will need to do a little more exploring than usual first.

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Anybody have the initial clicking on the latest 1.08 RC 5 firmware?

Just received the M. My heart stopped for a moment because of just how bad it was packed for shipping. It was basically completely loose inside the box. The foam sides wasn’t even on the synth. Don’t know if it’s a money saving thing but this has been happening a lot lately… never used to be a thing. So yeah it must have been taking quite a beating during shipping but it seems like it might be fine…

I’m guessing that the loose plastic sides are normal and that the knobs are ok though some of them feel a little bit flimsy.

The Sound though! I have never been so immediately impressed with the sound of any synth before. It’s just really special :blush:


Yeah, the packaging is appalling. Flimsy cardboard, thin foam and I gather they only started putting an extra box around the outside after some of the initial batch got damaged. I have no idea what they were thinking cutting corners there with a £1500 synth, it’s like whoever decided on that never sent or received anything through the post before.

The plastic sides are pretty terrible too but that’s about where my complaints with the M end! It’s a lovely thing.


Vladimir has posted on Gearspace to the effect that the M has been pushed beyond its hardware limits to the point where he’s probably going to have to remove some of the newer features to fix newly arisen bugs. This has been followed by everyone else chiming in with the things they want to keep and, inevitably, there’s no consensus.

I really admire how active he’s been in engaging with the userbase but I wonder if he’ll do it that way again… He’s said that for his next project he’d like to discuss things with potential buyers beforehand which I suppose is a better way to do it so you can design the hardware around suggested features a bit more. To be fair though, the transitions was a big addition that I don’t think any other users expected!


Transitions and those digital filters were not expected as well. Hopefuly he will not remove much. But stable machine without bugs is priority of course…

I think the XT filters were heavily requested from the start and he was saying for a while that he was trying to get them in there before they eventually arrived - he did add another new one as a surprise though.

The transitions came out of nowhere really, I don’t think anyone asked for nor expected that one. They’re really cool to have but if I had to lose something I guess I’d rather it was those because sample playback definitely wasn’t what I bought the M for in the first place. I’m sure there’s someone out there for whom they were a major part of the appeal though, I don’t envy him trying to please everyone.

It shows how different everyone is though, a lot of people seem to really want the clicking envelopes to be exactly the same as the Microwave 1 when, to me, the M is it’s own thing and I wouldn’t really mind losing that. I think there are supposed to be other differences in sound anyway (such as in the bass) so it’s not a perfect emulation either way. But if you’ve specifically dreamed of a MW1 all these years of course you want it as close as possible…


The filters were requested but not really planned at the time of the release. And even after Vladimir started to talk about them, it seemed only few of them would be possible to recreate…

Is it possible to use ts cables from the Aux out or could this damage the output?
Couldn’t find any info in the manual. Only found that trs could not be used on the main out.

Also, is there a way to remove voices from the main out when using the aux out?

Actually there is a consensus, Vlad has posted in that thread very recently that he is planning to do a 1.09 based on 1.07 with features cherry picked, so he does have a plan.

Hey there! I recently bought an M which I’m trying to incorporate into a semi portable setup that can fit on small table. However, I will probably need a stands for the M. Which stands do you use? :slight_smile:

the sides are actually some sort of fiber board that is painted, they are also just velcroed in place… pull them off and it is just metal under them like the rest of the case :man_shrugging: honestly the fiber board or whatever it is feels cheaper than plastic, I had to take them off to put the rack ears on but yeah after taking them off I am not sure I would bother putting them back on if I unracked it, to me it is nicer without.

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I’ve found that these K & M guitar stands are actually pretty great for desktop synths. The material is a little grippy and the angle is nice for knob tweaking. Plenty of room for cables to run under it if you had like an elektron box placed right in front of it.


Oooh I have so many desktop synths. Any examples of ones you’ve used with it?

Remember the M has vesa mounting holes so you can use any vesa stand!

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Currently spectralis is there but also is great for the syntrx for me. Currently my little studio corner is a bit of a spaghetti zone.