Waldorf M

I finally pulled the trigger and got an M with voice expansion. It arrived only a few days ago, but so far I can confirm everything I read about the cons (packaging, processor speed, display) and pros (sound). I think it’s a keeper, but I’ll need some more time with it…

It’s a pity to read that probably not all new features and bug fixes of firmware 1.08 won’t be possible due to DSP limitations, so I hope this will be sorted out somehow. Sounds like it could be a much better machine if only they had invested a tiny bit more in hardware components.

First question: Is any of you using the M with a VESA arm? I think something like this K&M Monitor mount would be nice to move it out of the way when not programming sounds, but on the other hand it might be too wobbly when pushing buttons?


I really like my M but i agree that the UI feel a little clunky and it could have been a much better instrument with a better design , better cpu ? For ex the display sometime feel sluggish and not so well organised. Also i never really use user wavetables since its a pita to navigate between user wavetables , for ex if you want to load user wavetable 10 then you have to load each one of them (load 1 … wait, load 2 …wait, load 3… wait etc until you reach the good one )
Im not a fan of the multi mode , its kinda buggy.

Its a keeper for sure , it sounds really really good but … could have been a master piece with a better UI.


Agreed about the UI.

I like to pretend I’m exploring some mysterious 80’s/90’s mystery synth in some real sound archaeology. Which it kind of is :sweat_smile:


Did Korg US contact you or are you in Europe ? I’m still waiting for my Korg email

Agreed! You basically are. :smiley:

Overall, I think the UI is fine, and even if he has to ditch a feature or two, there are still a lot more in there than when it released. So it’ll be great no matter what.

I do agree with others that using the next step up in MCU/DSP would have been a good idea, and actually wouldn’t have contributed much to the price.

I’m guessing the thought was probably along the lines of, “this processor is 3-5 times more capable than the original” or something like that, so it was more than enough to do what they set out to do (which was modernize the MW1). Now it’s like an MW1 and a good portion of an XT, and then a bit.

I couldn’t be happier with it really. I just want the new firmware to stabilize, whatever that means for feature rearrangement. I’m still using 1.08 RC5, and it’s still squealing a bit (though not as bad as RC4)…

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I might be misremembering/misquoting here but I think he said at some point that he intentionally limited the processor for the purposes of reverse-engineering the Microwave, so he could get more in the mindset of the original designers. I guess it might also be necessary to do that to get things like the ASIC bug to be accurate? Not sure on that one.

I thought it was a cool approach so I think that’s lead me to be more sympathetic towards the M’s limitations. Kind of the same with the UI really, I enjoy that it’s a bit clunky and old-school.


Yes, Europe, even Germany.

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Agree. They more than met their goal, and then packaged it in the best possible layout IMO. I love the MW1, but it’s definitely no M as far as playing and controlling goes. Not even with an external programmer.

The M is basically perfect. Sure there are other synths with a superset of this type of functionality (Iridium for example) but the M is a perfect, distilled semi-classic wavetable synth that does exactly what it’s supposed to perfectly.

Now I just need a stable firmware without reverting to an older one. :smiley:


I’m in San Francisco. Told Waldorf weeks ago they could pass my expansion board request on to Korg USA, total silence since then.


FYI to anyone following the firmware update scene: Vlad just posted 1.08 RC6 in the Waldorf M thread at GS (Post #5569).
[EDIT: And see Post #5611 for a revised DSP firmware file, that kills additional small bugs.]

fwiw I installed this new firmware and it’s working fine so far. No more unwanted high-pitched tones, like in the previous 1.08 versions. There are some interesting digital filters in the Mix section, based on the later old Waldorfs I think. Also a smoothing feature. Vlad retained the ability to use short samples (“Transitions” in the M)—worth exploring even though loading them is a little clunky.
[EDIT: As said in an earlier post, I don’t use multitimbrality in the M, so no idea if that’s all working as it should now.]

As always, YMMV.


Same here.

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Looks like there is another quick revision fixing a couple things with transitions… nice to see that he managed to keep all the new features. Seems like we are very close if not at the final revision on the M :grin:

It sounds like Korg USA might be getting the boards in this coming week maybe, from some stuff vlad posted on gearspace. I suppose it is gonna come down to when they actually start getting back to all of us who want them.


Yes! I’m assuming you’re referring to the fixes in Post #5611 at GS. I installed that revised DSP firmware file, and it does indeed fix the two transition bugs. (Previously the volume control and one of the loop modes didn’t work for transitions, now they do—I tested on my M).

Like you said, it appears we now have a working M with all the treats.

And yeah, sounds like boards arrive in North America soon. Not sure I want to spend whatever the marked up Korg USA price will be, or send the unit in for installation now that everything finally works. If they don’t contact me, I may just let it go.


I ordered on yesterday night and am very eager to receive it in the next days! I got kind of an urge, and it seems I was right on time: It was the last one in stock at Justmusic Berlin and was for 1490 euros.

Today it’s on pre-order and 1777. Yay for me :slight_smile:

Looking forward to hearing the synth!


Waiting for my delivery… how do people owning one for a while feel about the M? Do you love it? Just curious…

Got it not long ago. Love the sound but using it in a live set (multi mode) with 1.07 was a hassle to say the least. Looks like a lot is fixed in the new and hopefully working 1.08 so I think I will be more happy with it after I update


Could anyone please help me to replicate and understand the Jogging House Patch at the end of Loopop’s M review (at 39:39)?

His Patch Notes: “I modulated the wave position of one oscillator with a fast cycling envelope to make it crackle, then used the two other envelopes to gently fade in the volumes of oscillator two and noise. A bit of filtering to taste to shave off too harsh frequencies.”

I tried it for a while, but couldn’t achieve the crackling.

Waldorf and Juno synths on my wishlist.

I found I could get the crackles with this on the free envelope but I had to add some time mod to get moving a bit… I kind of bet he used the wave envelope for it now that I did it.

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I got mine back in April, and is still very happy with it! :slightly_smiling_face: Hype is hype, and things like these are very subjective, but it is the best sounding digital synth I’ve owned (crunchy, warm, alive.) And the new digital filters implemented in the newer firmware versions are gorgeous on top of gorgeous.