Well, did it need to be said?

NGL I’m on the side of the false prophet here. While done in good jest and love it is a thin line to walk.

Having a daughter who is very sensitive to this type of attention I’m well aware of how it can be perceived by the person receiving the attention, no matter how well intentioned it was…

I will now stop pissing on the parade… so please commence your parade…


I do get it but does your daughter snoke n post?

I considered his Bob Cat reference an invitation for humour


No she does not snoke and post, so there is a fair bit of difference there :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


No clue what’s happening here. It’s like I took 2 microdots and started reading


To be sensible for a second, most people posting something like the OP would most likely come back and see the fuss we’ve made and either tut at how fucking stupid we are and leave us to it, stay quiet for a bit, see how it plays out (and besides, what exactly do you say to this mess) or get offended, at which point they have options to remedy the situation to their favour, which I’m sure the mods will be happy to help them with.

And given that not a single person has said anything bad about the OP, I’d say genuine offense is unlikely. Maybe a bit of embarrassment, but that’s not the same thing really, is it.


Indeed; there is a line between celebration and mocking. I haven’t seen anyone cross that line.


in my mind a person who’s referencing police academy while apologizing for not drinking and snoking in a while knows a good time and able to understand that nobody is shaming them or being mean or something like that, it’s just a funny post and it gets funnier with every time I try to read it.

btw, I totally have to rewatch police academy!


We all need to!

At this point the police academy cannon is akin to The Sumerian Tales of Atrahasis. A foundational text!

Also, if “Citizens on patrol!” ain’t the same as “Russkie up some guys” then everything is meaningless.


I think we can assume that a guy making this kind of post has no idea how it will be perceived. It’s all in good fun, and if he feels otherwise, he can ask for the thread to be closed. A little bit of personal responsibility must be taken when you snoke and post.


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them

Buad is all 3


This is how I see it in my mind, like smoking heroin (or opium if you’re fancy) off of a sheet of aluminum foil, only with the straw in your nose rather than in your mouth. Probably two straws, on in each nostril…

Reminds me of this guy I used to work with. When he was in the Marines he was stationed In Australia, repairing blown-up vehicles shipped there lovingly from Amaericas little game in the sand-box over in Iraq. On leave one night at a bar several locals decided to see what he was all about.
“ Oi! Yank! Can you do this?” and proceeds to toss a 20oz pint down his gullet in one swallow.
Fellow I used to work with, violent white trash from northern Washington state, says No, ha can’t. Implies that they must have practice having things slide down there throats and proceeds to snort his shot of tequila through a straw.
The bar denizens watched white a mix of revulsion and horror and admiration.

I apologize in advane for the typos. Posting from my phone and ain’t even about to go through that hassle. Will edit later


There is a reason all the big tech honchos don’t allow their children to access the internet. This is for adults only.

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It might be dangerous to imply that sleep deprived rants could earn one a sticky. Sleep deprived rants is one of the few skills I have.

Oh god. It has been way too long that I’ve encountered micros in the wild here :biking_man:

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This is just glorious!

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Charles Buadelaire it is, it is so obvious :heart_eyes:

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If the next Elektron box doesn’t contain a preset named Buad, I’m never buying Elektron again


Has anyone checked the trademarks for Buad?


Ha, you’re right!

“Be Drunk”:

Where ever I copied this from lost the breaks, which make it better, obviously.


There’s gotta be some Bukowski tributes to wine too

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