What Are You Power Watching During COVID-19?

Yep, it’s a classic!

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Watched iron fist. Sucks
Started marvel defenders. Sucks
Started daredevil. Way better. Will keep watching it

As for a movie “6 underground” is really good

Oh, I should mention Sarazanmai . It was directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara, who also directed Utena, Sailor Moon, etc. Other Utena veterans were also involved. Kinda messes with your head like Utena. Warning, don’t watch this clip, or the show, if the “pulling/pushing something out the butt imagery” is disturbing to you.

On Amazon Prime, there’s Princess Tutu. It makes me think of Utena even though i think it’s an older show. I guess it’s the fairy-tale setting that feels like it’s gonna break the 4th wall any time kind of vibe.

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Iron fist and defenders were definitely the low points of that collection IMHO. Loved 1st season Daredevil and 1st season Jessica Jones.

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The world burn

I’m glad to see others mention “Halt and Catch Fire”. I just finished and absolutely loved it but get the feeling it’s a bit slept on. Highly recommend for sure.


The Vikings Series

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Same, but i’m not gonna like it for the obvious reasons.

If you haven’t seen it already, I recommend Session 9, but not for the writing or acting.

Even though this '90s-morbid flick is larded with Shatneresque actors like David Caruso, the musician in you will probably love the use of analog tape, and the ‘90s urban explorer in you will savor the location, which is the notorious Danvers State (mental) Hospital right before it was torn down. The eerie equipment shreds and boxes of records you see in the film were part of the site where they shot. I love that place, though I do feel terrible about those who died there, abandoned by their families and often surviving lobotomies and shock therapy. I could almost feel patients’ emotional residue on the one occasion when I was able to visit.


Man that show was fantastic, I was amazed when it got a 2nd and then 3rd season and seemed to continually get re-optioned, I get the impression that everyone involved knew how great it actually was. It also had an insanely talented ensemble cast that I notice in tons of more current movies and TV.

Such a shame it wasn’t more well known at the time, but I guess the wire, and breaking bad (certainly around the world up until around season 4/5) have that in common. It sounds rather hipsterish to say but I actually watched Halt and Catch fire because it was on AMC originally and it wasn’t available in the UK, but I was so impressed with Breaking Bad and how it developed I knew it’d be worth a watch. I started watching BB because of an article on the writers strike that year, and was hooked instantly. It’s crazy that I remember a time before Breaking Bad was literally everyones fave show, and it was nearly cancelled a fair few times before it blew up,.

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I have such a backlog of movies to see from the last year, TV show too. I found it really difficult to stay focused on anything most of the year, mainly due to having adhd and being mega stressed but I actually really love film and it seems like it was a bit of a boon for smaller and indie projects.

I’m looking forward to seeing Sound of Metal, Saint Maude, I’m Thinking of Ending Things (I have to be in the mood for Charlie Kaufman’s own movies, being as abstract/surreal as they be.) and Possessor which is by David Cronenberg’s son.

The only show I can think of that I binged last year was Mindhunter…Shame it didnt get renewed…which it turning into a practice I don’t like about Netflix in particular.

I really loved The lighthouse, The Invisible Man, The Colour out of Space…

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Story sure took an interesting turn to kick off the latest season.

While I was waiting for Vikings S6 to drop on Amazon, I watched Vinland Saga, whose main character is based on the historical Thorfinn who followed Leif Eriksson’s route to Vinland (supposedly modern Newfoundland) and claimed to be a descendant of Bjorn Ironside. It was entertaining though incomplete, as we don’t get to see Thorfinn actually get to Vinland. The story works in other historical figures such as Prince Canute, Thorkell The Tall and other Jomvikings, and the purely fictional Askeladd.

The Wire (easily my all time fav series) and BB are fantastic, although I suppose their subject matter has a broader appeal than Halt and Catch Fire’s. Drug dealers and cops are just more appealing than the computer revolution, to most anyway. Still it is nice to see at least some critical recognition and good of AMC to see it though. It is possible networks are realizing the value in letting a series wrap up at least somewhat more naturally than giving it the axe mid stride; maybe a a result of series like the Wire gaining mass popularity after their run. HBO certainly did just that to a handful of series in the 00s.

if you haven’t already seen another AMC show I’d highly recommend is Mad Men. It’s def on the opposite end of the excitement spectrum as BB. That sort of meandering quality (Sopranos has a touch of this too, maybe Matthew Weiner influence) can actually be super immersive if well done.
Deadwood is worth checking out in this regard too and adds insanely dense and eloquent dialogue.


Thought The Boys was pretty good, Butchers butchering of a southern English accent/dialog* was probably the most brutal part, aside from the over the top comedic gore bits. Good characters and took an episode or 2 to get into, but enjoyable after that.


He apologises for “losing my bottle” which means being scared, what he should have said was “losing my rag” which means temper.

Also “cant” isn’t how that particular word is pronounced.


If we’re talking about AMC shows - season 1 of “The Terror” was great too. Maybe not fair to call it an AMC show as it seems to have probably been produced at least in conjunction with some UK production company, but regardless - exceptional show.

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Maybe I’m late to the party but Dark on Netflix is my kind of Series.


Best series I watched these last months:
Raised by wolves (SF)
For all mankind (dystopia)

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In case anyone’s interested, his jazzy EP is out now, with DX7, Minitaur, Nord Drum:


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If I actually listed everything I think I’d be embarrassed. I basically did nothing with music for a year and just watched TV. I was excited to have the Mandalorian, Picard and Star Trek Discovery. Also Ratched on Netflix was quite glorious.

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