What Are You Power Watching During COVID-19?

This one is my favorite

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This is so endearing. The boy is saying he’s excited to listen to something “really old” now. So old that there’s no computers in the music, just instruments.

Totally feelin what he says about Pink Panther and Tom & Jerry

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My girlfriend and I have been casually watching a few shows like Modern Family and Community over the last few months. Over the summer we spent a lot of time in our garden so we didn’t really watch much tv or Netflix. But now that it’s getting a little colder we binged Bojack Horseman and we just started 24. The Sopranos is on our list too. Somehow neither of us has seen it before.

Jonathan Creek!

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Cobra Kai - Surprisingly good. Interesting how they juxtapose the bully and the bullied and how those roles can change depending on perspective. Or maybe I’m just reading too into a pretty basic teen karate drama.

The Seven Samurai and other Kurosawa pictures - I’ve seen a few of them while studying film history in school, but it’s been while and I never watched all of The Seven Samurai. Plus I’ve been playing The Ghost Of Tsushima and that sort of sealed the deal.

Poirot - I just love the vibe. David Suchet is such a good Poirot, and they do a pretty good job of casting. I’m not huge on the books or anything so I don’t know how much is lost in translation, I’m sure quite a bit, but it’s still enjoyable to watch. Michael Fassbender was in one episode, that was a surprise.

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Great show, but good luck with keeping track of who the hell everyone is. You need a book of mugshots and a German dictionary. I am you.

Check out the first movie. It’s actually pretty good even if it repeats the TV show’s story line. Unfortunately, the one with Johnny Depp sucked. The reboot was top notch, but too bad it only lasted 12 episodes.

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I’m reading the exact same things in Cobra Kai. It’s amazingly well written and done. Very very entertaining.

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They have a website that does it for you, and the family tree grows along with the episodes so no spoilers. Also cool graphics representing time travel looping in each episode.

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Hey guy, I just watched an incredible video on Youtube about the future of our universe.

Really interesting and nice fx.


crushing through x files again this year. considering the (imo) spiritual successor, fringe afterwards.

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Only ever watched a few series my entire life:

Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Stranger Things
The Office
Narcos/Narcos Mexico

And my guilty pleasures: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, King of Queens, SpongeBob SquarePants…

Ratched looks intriguing due to being a fan of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

Lastly, been watching a lot of Kurosawa films after getting a platinum trophy on the game Ghost of Tsushima.


The Kingdom (the original series by Lars von Trier).
Utopia (the current series by Gillian Flynn). I’d like to watch the British original as well.
Mindhunter (by David Fincher and Joe Penhall). The style reminds me of Fincher’s Zodiac – '70s deadpan, but reel-to-reel creepy a la Session 9. And I’ve read a lot by/about the FBI men on whom the main characters are based: John Douglas and Robert Ressler.
For escape, I’ve rewatched Look around You and tried to get into later seasons of Atlanta that I missed.


It’s so good! I didn’t realise they’d done a remake. Is it worth checking out?

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Reviews I’ve read suggest you might be disappointed after watching the UK version. The reasons I didn’t start with it were (i) the lack of streaming availability, since my VPN was down, (ii) the DVD/Blu Ray rights, which seem to exclude the U.S., and (iii) my friend in Portland, who asked me to watch the U.S. version so that I could talk to her about it. If not for my friend, I’d probably have waited to watch the original.

SPOILER: Plot points follow.

Re the U.S. version, I’ve watched three episodes so far. I do like the Game-of-Thrones-for-nerds elimination violence and amusing unkindness. I also disagree with Guardian writer Jack Seale that the timeliness of the pandemic makes the series less resonant. He thinks that the theme of corporate bioterrorism – not a pandemic likely fueled by climate-related migration – gets shortchanged. That’s a trend-sniffing journalist confusing the moment he’s in for wider context. The idea of overblown pandemic refs seems especially ridiculous because the series was written and shot before the pandemic happened.

The U.S. version begins with a different narrative strategy than the UK’s intellectual exposition and how-it-is violence: the U.S. version wants to make characters likeable and protagonist-ready first, and to place them in a realistic but irritatingly zany world, so that you’re supposed to be more alarmed when they’re killed Winterfell-style because you thought they’d be constants.

That approach sometimes works, but the bite is diluted by “relatable” characters’ meretricious humility, and the perspective vacillates between subversive and harmless. Nabokov didn’t bother with likeable protagonists, and I don’t see why American screenwriters are forced to care about that. But Flynn does know how to make characters appear likable to some segments of the audience and despicable to others, which does add to the ambiguity and depth.

For all of those reasons, I fixed my VPN ASAP and have been watching the UK version. Besides, I’d prefer to see what the original artist does before spending time with cover versions.

The U.S. project would have been better, I think, if Fincher hadn’t left. Still, you might want to watch it for the production values, pursuance of the original’s occasional dropped thread and the artwork by João Ruas, which comprises the graphic novel at the heart of the series and is also featured in the credits.

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Finally started Doom Patrol. What a brilliant show! Feels almost british.
Also started The Handmaid´s Tale…reminds me very much of what´s going on currently on the world.

I think I have the first movie on my list in Prime. The Tim Burton/Johnny Depp movie version of the tv series never interested me.

I have just finished season two of “the boys”. Superheroes gone bad. Was pretty enjoyable and definately not for kids to watch.


France just announced new lockdown for 4 weeks at least. Keep suggest dope thing to watch :slight_smile:

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I’m still watching anime for the most part

Started The Queens Gambit last night. Ended up doing all 7 episodes in one go. The show took me completely by surprise. Thoroughly impressed.