What are you reading right now/have you read lately?


Just finished Infinite Detail and really enjoyed it (took me a while to buy it and start reading, was finishing some other stuff, waiting to get a Kobo and go on hols!).
I only know Bristol vaguely but seems like a good setting for anything post-apocalyptic :grinning:. Definitely given me an appetite to listen to some jungle!
Now to check the rest of this thread to see what else I might fancy…

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I’m reading this: https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/8833893294 but AFAIK it’s only in Italian.
It’s the story (and analysis) of three Warp artists: Aphex Twin, Autechre and BoC. It’s really engaging, with lots of insides about the music.
If you read Italian is a must read.




Just finished Shuggie Bain.
Amazing book.



Moebius was truly great


One of my favorites. Crazy over the top story with very stylish artwork. :heart_eyes:

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Like acid trip.


currently reading “the vanishing half” after finishing “deacon king kong,” which was very good. i’m apparently making my way through a bunch of best sellers.


Eversion by Alastair Reynolds . His other stand alone book House of sun is one of my favourite sci-fi story so high hopes for this one.


Currently reading Tim Book Two by Tim Burgess (of Charlatans fame). Really nice book of vinyl recommendations and stories of hunting second hand vinyl all over the world. That book really makes me want to listen to certain vinyls. After that I already have David Byrne’s How Music Works waiting anxiously. Also looking forward to having time to read the Haynes manual for Vinyl users.

Also love listening to Man From MoWax OST at the same time.

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Just started this. Very much enjoying it.


I’m going to go out on a limb and recommend a book I haven’t read yet: The Future Was Here, which is a history and celebration of the Commodore Amiga. It was a super gift to the Amiga fan in my life and still gets brought up years later.


Have you read Wolf in White Van or Universal Harvester? Big fan of Darnielle’s work

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Haven’t and probably should. I’m enjoying his style a lot.

I’ve been reading Celine’s Journey to the End of Night for around 6 months but I’m making progress!


Both books take kind of opposite approaches from each other. Wolf in White Van has a central idea and laser-focuses on getting every bit out of it, where Universal Harvester starts with a conceit and expands outward. I liked WiWV a little more, but Universal Harvester reaches for more and is probably closer in vibe to Devil House

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The sequel is good too.
You are going to be busy for quite a while

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Cool, I’ll look for them.