What are you reading right now/have you read lately?

Thee Psychick Bible. Very inspiring and thought provoking stuff.

The Ring of the Nibelung, by P. Craig Russell

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Just finished 1Q84 and have very mixed feelings. The story itself is very captivating, but it was definitely a slog to get through. It’s my first Murakami book, so take this with a grain of salt, but it really could use some major editing/condensing. I know it originally was for parts, but even so it was hard to stay motivated enough to read up to the end. I really want to read more of his work, so open to suggestions where to go from here…


Welcome to Murakami’s world…
It makes interesting dreams though.


Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World is one of his better paced books, while still having that surreal Murakami flavor. It’s also significantly shorter than 1Q84.


Just started this book on my vacation. Have been pushing to read it for quite a while now so I only brought this one with me.


Slowly getting through this (kids and life getting in the way) but it’s great to learn more about Jay Dee.


Wow it had been a while…
Love it raw.


I reread transmet every couple years. Planetary is also a favorite of mine.


I did that until Certain Events brought it too close to documentary. I should read it again - we are sort of past that era, sort of not. Planetary was really good though.


The part where he talks about “Violent lyrics over smoothed out beats puts the violence in you, whereas violent lyrics over violent beats takes the violence out of you” has always stuck with me and it put a lot of music into perspective.

One example is listening to and playing metal (drums) as a middle schooler probably helped a lot with teenage angst, despite my dad looking at my CDs and questioning if I was a devil worshipper or something lol

Great book. And talking about his environment growing up was eye opening.


Oh, that’s super interesting! (And I’d agree very much.)

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Another of my favourite authors

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Just starting book 3 of The Southern Reach trilogy. I devoured 2/3 of book 2 this morning, after rereading book 1 this week too. So good


I’m just starting this too. Pretty good so far!

I also just finished Shogun by James Clavell and am starting Tai Pan by the same author.
Shogun was so good!


House of leaves
Finally reissued and received at home.
The cover is less beautiful but it’s the inside that counts.
The idea of getting back into it already gives me immense pleasure.


The Boys graphic novels. Better than the series (which I like a lot)


I’ve just finished The Buried Giant.
I was enjoying all the way through, but unsure what it was all adding up to, but I thought the ending was brilliant- really elevated the whole book, which is quite a rarity.
Most times you’re happy if the ending doesn’t spoil the book.

I have a strange relationship with Murakami.

I absolutely loved the first few books of his that I read, but diminishing returns soon set in once i realised how he often writes basically the same book.

I’ve not read iq84 but don’t believe it’s considered one of best.
If you were to give him another go I’d say Wild Sheep Chase.
But if that doesn’t grab you, then walk away; you’re not going to find hidden depths in his stuff.