What is the best way to try out modular, before actually starting to build a system?

How can I get a taste of modular before buying a case and a couple of modules (or even a complete pre-configured system?)

I know there are a tons of semi-modulars, but which ones are your favourite gateway drug? I am considering modular for experimentation, sound design and generative stuff.

Been eyeing the ALM System Coupe to go all in at once - or the 0-Coast as a taster. Having a hard time deciding.

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If you have a computer, VCV Rack for sure.


Personally, I would pick up a Behringer 2600. You get a lot of the Modular work flow. It’s technically not pure modular as there are lots of prepatched connections but they can all be bypassed by cabling.
Anyway, it’s cheap(ish), sounds great and has temporarily scratched the itch for me.


The appeal of modular for me lies in the gazillion ways you can potentially modulate stuff. How’s that on the 2600?

Depending on where you live, there might be a modular community group that meets regularly.


I’d start with VCV rack.

If it’s got to be hardware, I strongly suggest the 0-Coast. I’ve tried a bunch of different semi modulars and the 0 coast was the only one that really inspired patching and made me interested in going further. I think it’s the non-standard components - a function generator that can either be a sound or control source! A wave folder? An overtone circuit?

Something like the Moog 32 sounded great to me but I was never interested in using the patch bays. It was like ‘big whoop, the envelope generator can trigger the filter instead, who cares, I can do that on almost any synth anyway…’ Even the MS-20, one of my all time favorites rarely saw a patch cable.

With the 0-Coast, even now after years of patching, I can dive in and get lost in a friendly tangle.




Cheers. What you had with the Mother, I had with the Neutron. Yeah, there is a patch bay but I was never able to come up with big surprises. Everything seemed too logical. :grin:

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nth’ing vcv rack or 0-coast

I also used the Model 15 app on ios for a while before taking the leap.


Depends on what it is that appeals to you about modular and what you want to experience before you buy into it.

Modular is just a format - it’s all just synths, modulations and effects. What questions remain unanswered that you need to get a taste for?

For me eurorack was about building out a custom set of voices and effects that I can bend to my will - if you’ve used synths before it’s that except you get to customise it.


This, I think. I am a bit tired of my routine with samplers and subtractive synths. I just wanna sit down and make sounds, self evolving patterns, soundscapes/drones. No need to produce anything lasting. Just experiment and zone out for a couple of hours.


Sounds more like a job for a sequencer to me! There are lots of great choices for that in Eurorack but don’t discount something like an Oxi One and a Digitone. The modulation options on Eurorack aren’t that much more vaste than any other format IMO, they’re just a bit more tangible. The DAW is the ultimate free-rein modulation machine.

But yes I guess VCV is the obvious choice for experiencing the format - but you’re not doing anything different than assigning an LFO on a synth - it’s just a cable now instead.

I love my eurorack btw, I’m not sure there’s much to try - if there are modules that do things that you want then you probably need to try those modules.


Download a copy of the free VCV Rack software. That is how I got started for free. I then bought a Make Noise 0-coast semi modular system and had tons of fun with that. Doepfer A100 Basic System is what I recommend to beginners who want to move from a small semi modular system to a modular set. Under 2k and lots to play with. Get a good sequencer can be simple like Korg SQ-1 to use with modular. I have the ALM System Coupe and while tons of fun, the Doepfer A100 taught me more about modular synthesis since it is basic VCA, VCO, LFO, mixer and so forth versus ALM or Make Noise.

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0-Coast is a good suggestion.
It took me some time to be comfortable with it, but there are lots of tutorials that can already give you an idea of what it’s capable of.
It has a sound signature that may be hard to escape of though.
But even if you do t gel with it immediately, it offers a lot of utilities that are still relevant with a larger system.

VCV rack is also a very good suggestion, if you don’t mind sitting in front of a screen. Patching with a mouse is certainly less fun, but you can learn the way of Eurorack without loosing much money.
And maybe help you define what it is you really want to make with modules.


Sequencer was game changer for me but playing with building blocks on Doepfer A100 like how VCA work and LFO modulation with filter cutoff and VCO was great understanding to me. I still have my Doepfer modules and use them now in much larger setups.

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Unless you really want the physical feel of knobs and cables, for the cost of the most basic modular setup, you can get an iPad and run Drambo or AUM with some inexpensive AUv3 plugins. There are some lovely apps out there, amazing for the cost.

My story: I didn’t like VCVRack, I wanted the knobs and cables. 0-coast convinced me that I would enjoy modular, but it also convinced me that I wouldn’t enjoy 0-coast. Fortunately, it was a loan. Speaking of loans, I hope your credit is good.

0-coast at least has the virtue of being different. Many of the other semimod options are a little too close to more conventional architectures.


You may consider second hand, btw.
So that you can resell without much loss if you don’t like it.
I’ve resold a handful of modules, but 0-Coast stayed ^^

To play sequences, a Keystep or an a4 are pretty good.


Try Digitone.
Use Digitone.
Keep Digitone.


Love my Digitone easily one of the best synths ever and painless venture into FM synthesis.

I agree: VCV, O-Coast or Bastl Softpop 2 (the latter has an nifty sequencer on board).