What is the best way to try out modular, before actually starting to build a system?

question for the knowledgeable. Does the o coast work well being cross patched with the moog sound studio? i drive the dfam and m32 with the OT. think i’ll be picking up the subh and o coast relatively soon…

i also have a hydra explorer and a cv ocd i could utilise. I keep reading warnings about voltage mis matches. just wondering what’s safe and has the best potential for fun / modulation etc.

They all use eurorack standards of CV so it should all work together. At the very least you won’t break anything.

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Yeah you won’t break anything patching those up. The 0-Coast is awesome and brings a lot to the table that your other devices don’t have, so I think it’s a great choice. You’ll get some snappy envelopes, random voltage and mixing capabilities, a different sound palette with waveshaping through a low pass gate and such.

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I have 0-Coast and M32 and DFAM as my main setup (plus 0-Ctrl) and the voltages are safe to use together in general. The 1v/Oct are generally -5v to 5v and the envelopes are 0-8v, on both the Moogs and the 0Coast. The random voltage is 0-10, I think, but the Moog manual is especially good at telling which jacks accept higher voltage, and attenuators are there if you’re in doubt.

These three are a blast together. I like swapping the envelopes and modulation sources between the machines, and having the 0C’s extra voice and utilities opens up the patching possibilities a great deal. The DFAM sounds so good with complex modulation, and 0C complements the pair sonically really well.

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sounds great. hows the o ctrl? seems quite limited but i guess it wouldn’t matter with all the cross modulation going on? are you sequencing all 3 boxes with it?

Also loving the look of the morphagene, but from a distance. im trying very hard to stay out of module world.

I just took a deep breath and bought a used Fusion System 2 for surprisingly cheap. Not sure it is much like any other modular set up, as mainly I seem to be maxing overdrive and tube crunch on all the modules, running it into a guitar amp set to breaking point and then using my Keystep to make it sound like I am Jimi Hendrix smashing it all up at the end of a set. Which is extremely satisfying in a visceral kid of way. But a million miles away from euclidean beat and blip patterns or whatever it is you kids do with your computerised modular gear.

Really enjoying 0-Ctrl, added it a month ago after about a year with the others. It’s limited but extremely fun to use while playing, really expressive with the time, touch, and dynamic envelope controls, and it does subharmonics and allows adding off-the-grid or mixed rhythms, playing 0C slope, dialing in chords, etc. I usually sequence 0Coast with it and add extra modulation to DFAM, but also sequence some with Digitakt (to add drums and sample things).

I too have been hesitant to take the plunge and get a full-on modular case, and for me personally these semi-modulars are deep and continually full of surprises, and while I really enjoy learning about modular stuff (effects, weird sequencing, complex oscillators, etc), there’s a lot I can imitate with what I have, and so far the modular hasn’t presented any must-haves to me.

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Just picked up an o coast and a subh. fcuk it. life’s too short to not constantly purchase confusing, esoteric gear.