What is the sound of the future?

…the concept of copyrights is not part of any future…

new ideas are always in the air…u “just” have to tune in…

I also wanted to write singing and stone-hitting. Maybe senegalese rhythm-wise. And campfire guitar. Stupid i almost can’t play. i was once impressed by a contemporary classic concert with just a classic guitar.

A bit ot this gives me the opportunity to add
to a sentence i wrote a year ago about ideologically brainwashed and idiotic artists. I meant of course a lot of varieties of dangerous ideologies.
I was thinking also the italian futurists. More or less pioneers in modern abstract music maybe, but also war-horny and fascists.

autechre seems like a running joke but yes, probably, maybe…
pop stuff a la billie eilish(?)

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The sound of the future is the sound of the past

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I mean this is the case and will always be.

Electronic music is not the most listened to or performed, it’s just over-represented in western top 40…

The liminal areas are where cross pollinating magic can happen!



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Fascism lacks a direct aesthetic but clings to any attention, art, powers and horrors of the past. Movements like the working class skins can be pretty easily pushed to populist ends.

On the amorphous, evasive nature of fascism-

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words.“


Well, I specifically included the term “electric” to highlight that people in my made up scenario would desire music that is “unplugged” or at least isn’t reliant on instruments that needed grid-based electricity, which doesn’t really relate to your argument.

But, if you’re arguing that electronic-based music isn’t currently the most popular form of music in the world, then I have to disagree. You just have to google “the most popular music genre in the world” or “the most streamed song in the world” to know. I imagine the ubiquity of western Pop (as well as Hip-Hop, R&B, K-Pop, and J-Pop) will continue to increase as our world continues to globalize. My made up scenario was just imagining what’s at the other end of globalization/capitalism.


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Modernity might be an aberration. Future people may not give a shit about constant novelty, in the way we have for the last 100 years. They might be happy listening to the Bee Gees and playing Chopin on pianos.


I brought up novelty in particular because you get this thing where teens rebel as a developmental thing. Theory has it music is highly relevant to this process of developing identity and so something has to change.

Novelty isn’t the goal, but I think you do normally get something new out of it. I mean it’s not just listening but producing also. But who knows, maybe the role of music will change in the future. Could be people even stop producing and just describe what they want to hear to their computer and listen to that all day. I have my doubts but on the other hand I’m fairly certain that’s the eventual future of television and much of film.

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It’s a legitimately wonderful thing that top 40 music isn’t the whole of musical culture, worldwide.

People buying synths? A very small market versus accordions, guitars, drums…



Yeah, I’m not thrilled by the majority of top 40 music that’s being pumped out right now. I don’t want to go too off course, but a specific thing that irks me is when a famous pop artist/producer steals from a more niche music culture and then ends up receiving acclaim for it.

I understand that the hardware electronic world is pretty niche. My imagined future was more in response to the broader idea of music technology. Most pop music wouldn’t exist without editing software, plugins, and vsts. I think we can all agree that this is an electronic form of music-making. But yeah, it’s different from the semantics of “electronica” or other specific genres of electronic music.

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calm down john cage



Maybe Soma are on to something and weird shamanistic electronic drone jams around burning barrels are the future.

Play those three videos together at the same time for a vision of the future.


I was recently having a conversation with friends about the sun and the moon and the notions of solar and lunar influences (a somewhat archetypal discussion).

A friend was making the observation that we are in what could be described as a solar-age at the moment, namely one of moving forwards, progress, dynamic change. The suggestion was that our current civilisation is predominantly solar, but that it is showing signs of burning itself out, paving the way towards the emergence of lunar influences (cyclical, predictable, regularity).

With that in mind, perhaps the music of the future will indeed reflect a return to a more open-ended, participatory, folk-like experience of music, somehow rooted in an increasing need for a certain sense of organic, human creativity, whilst not necessarily eschewing technology but embracing it for such ends.

Just a few fleeting thoughts to add to the mix.

Slap Bass


i feel like it’s something between the daw arranged and vst processed synth and vocal sounds of late 00’s tri angle/r&s/night slugs & witch house that modern hip hop and rnb has adopted (arca working with pop stars, the weeknd’s whole thing since 2010, the-dream) combined with minimal/lowercase of jan jelinek/steve rodan combined with more modern electroacoustic concrete of kassel jaeger and giovanni lami.

not as it has already existed, but once there is a resurgence in like 5-8 years and all of those things blur into an amalgamation of late 2010’s “vintage”/“classic” electronic and we have the octatrack mk3 mkII that has all of those cool virus ti2 effects, except this one is smaller and has a qper knob and comes in “Syntone salmon” colorway, so people are able to do all that cool daw/vst processing without a laptop and also utilize the compositional and sequencing methods of the enhanced plock-elektron seq ‘leibenz system-esque’ logic.

but yeah, it will probably be whatever Soma Vlad makes as a successor to the Terra. he will team up with novation/sequential and makenoise to create some very tactile expressive roli seaboard material based structure that has some type of new Madrona Sumu-based synthesis techniques that combine particle and pulsar synthesis with physical modelling and new expressive modulation that replaces envelopes with the “strike” and “blow” and “mallet” actions of the mutable Elements, except implemented as physical mod controls and somehow AAS might be involved. but that tech combined with the inspiration from the more overlooked experimental forward thinking artists of the last ten or so years will make for whatever the future sounds like. or at least the better part of what the future sounds like

the rest will be whatever the new “tiktok” notification tone is pitched down and vaporwaved out over lil xan bars