What’s next for Ess / Fors?

Oh lord, duh. Thank you:)

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another superberry noodle… supernoodle?


It has to be supernoodle because noodleberry sounds too much like noogleberry.

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Does anyone know if the standalone version is able to be controlled via a midi controller? I didn’t see anything in the manual about this, or missed it if already discussed. Thanks!

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Not yet, but I’ve promised to add that in the next update! Have some minor fixes to do so I’ll slide that in as well.


Excellent. Thank you for the reply!

The photo depicts cell division, obvs! Telophase, to be exact (the internet told me).

Maybe a delay?

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There are other photos on the post.

Another riddle:

i see the shutter of a camera lens, so the standalone bokeh delay device?

anyway, love superberry. here are two recordings from the desktop app. id say ive definitely been able to get “my sound” from it, but also go into new territories, which is the hallmark of a great instrument


Both really lovely pieces! I’ve not purchased Superberry yet. Is the reverb native to the device?

thank you. yes its the built in bokeh delay. no post processing, done in one take

Very nice! Literally just purchased it :D.

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Intersection, focus, DNA, sunset

Delicato?? :crazy_face: Punchrullar!


Venn diagram

People, you should open the links. There are more photos on the posts.

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"And for the finale… We’ve already solved this riddle:female_detective:

The Roulette sequencer, along with two new mystery devices will be available standalone before the end of this year.

Thanks for all the amazing guesses! We’re going to pick our favorite answers and DM the winners of a free device shortly."

the roulette seq is already standalone. i like to send it to my hardware