What’s next for Ess / Fors?


So you just copied both Chiral and the Chiral Presets folder to your User Library area in Ableton?

Just ran the .alp and then Live asked me where to put it, so I put it in the folder where I keep my Max for Live and that works for me.


i don’t actually want the presets so i found the .amxd and put it into the same folder as my other fors devices

My Digitone :
“Chiral, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”

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Oh sorry, I missed this!

There’s pretty much no risk of messing up Live 11 by just copying stuff into the User Library, so don’t worry. :slight_smile:

The Live set is located inside of the folder that the Live Pack extracts. So wherever you unpacked it to, you will find the live set (.als), lesson files, presets (.adv) and Max for Live device (.amxd)

You can move these files around in the Finder without issue, although the presets and device locations need to be the same in order for the presets to load correctly.



Unlike the advanced peeps on this thread, I need the presets to understand how to tweak my own tones in Chiral. Looking forward to playing with them!


Chiral is so much fun, had to install the new Ableton because I was still on version 9.
After 3 days of exploring Chiral, I still havent even touched Abletons new reverb, that I was craving for to try. Chiral made me update not Ableton. :slight_smile:

Love the limited amount of knobs and at the same time the wideness of sounds you can create with it.

I do also like that it’s a max4live plugin. I like it being down there on the screen compared to vst’s. No more dealing with popping up vst’s and having to close them each time to see the rest of the screen/arranger, but I guess thats old news.

Just scared I might get sucked in to much though. My 2 Digitone’s are having 3 days of dust on them.


So what’s everyone’s favourite Fors instrument? Can’t make my mind up but I’m definitely intrigued by the sequencer, should I just grab the bundle?

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it’s all good stuff. if you think they’ll fit your workflow or look like fun/useful things… go for it. i’m enjoying chiral… used it in a track already. it’s got a nice sound and is fun to use. i have a bunch of M4L devices i need to spend more time with including the FORs stuff.

Hey, happy Bday @Ess!

We’re the ones getting a gift: seems we are offered 30% off everything Fors until June 15th!


The code doesn’t seem to work here. I add stuff to the basket, email and code, add payment method, still says same price will be charged. Not used gumroad so prob me being stoopid. Work for anyone else ok?

I’m the one being stoopid. It’s fixed now, you should see a discount field when checking out and the code should now work fine :slight_smile:

Thanks! (Almost :wink: )


30 is a nice number, and circumstances make it essential to get a nice party with lots of friends around!
Last Friday I have been dancing to the first live PA I have been attending in 9 months… Dancing and speaking with random people brought me so much joy, a real catharsis!
I do hope you manage to get some euphoric time with the ones you love!


Oh, Big Elektronauts get together at Ess’ place? :grinning: With the biggest Digitone jam the world has ever seen (how many DNs can we assemble? 20?)

Just kidding of course.

Wish you all the best for your Bday (soon), @Ess - and I really hope your coworker/friend is better now… I remember that money fundraising - did it work out?

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Haha can’t tell if 20 Digitones will be my biggest dream or worst nightmare but in any case I’m down.

Yes, thanks for asking! She got the surgery and has made a great recovery. It was scary there for a while but we’ll be enjoying summer now. :slight_smile:


I’m planning on picking up some (probably all…) as I’ve had my eye on these for a while. I love that the design is a bit different, but doesn’t just throw the kitchen sink in.

I’m curious how these appear on Push 2? I haven’t used my Push much yet to have seen what it does with M4L plugins. I’m guessing you don’t get the waveform displays etc, but is it easy enough to tweak parameters and so on?

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I’m still a new Push 2 owner but in my limited usage to date, parameters do seem easy enough to tweak. I have not been searching for waveform displays though.


Happy Birthday, Ess!

Time to complete my Fors collection!


Sadly, there are no waveform displays for the devices on Push 2 but all except Roulette are mapped. You’ll find photos here:


Just bought Doublet, Bokeh, and Roulette. Nice sounding devices! But wowsers, installing max4live stuff can be confusing. I’d like these devices just to show up in the native Max4Live folder in the Ableton browser, complete with presets. How in the world do we do that? Anybody know?

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