What’s next for Ess / Fors?

different developers use different methods… some install when launching the session, others just unzip to a folder w/the devices in them which you manually drag and drop to the relevant location… others… like the Fors stuff wants you to install as a project. i do that but then i just fish the devices out and drag them to the relevant midi/audio/instrument max folders.

for some developers who have a lot of devices i make a folder in the applications folder then add that folder to the “places” menu panel in Live. so, it’s like a shortcut.

there are some developers who require deleting the old device before installing the new one but thankfully it’s simple to delete a device from the menu tree in Live.

when they install as packs is probably the simplest but seems like not everyone has that sorted.

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@Ess Did you know that i found a more suitable name for Ableton ? : HostforFors
Happy Birthday.


thanks for those, it looks good. I’ll probably get familiar with them on the laptop first but it looks like they work well with push.

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I would like that too! Unfortunately the Ableton way of installing Max for Live devices, i.e a pack that installs itself to the User Library, is not available to third parties.

The reason why I distribute most of the Fors library as Ableton Packs is that it works well for including presets.


totally unrelated to the topic, but I literally got ‘kid in a candy store’ excited when I saw that dBridge posts here. Absolute hero


Thanks for responding, @Ess . And thanks for the b-day sale! Happy Birthday!

I wonder why Ableton has decided to make this so much more confusing than simply installing an AU or VST plugin? And why the lack of standard procedure when dealing with 3rd party m4l devices? If they want max4live more widely adopted, it would make sense to simplify installation, and let 3 party devs be indistinguishable from Ableton approved “insider” max4live devices.

I still haven’t figured out how to see the Doublet presets under the Doublet device in the Ableton Browser. I’m also having a long day at work and my brain is mush right now, but dang, this makes me feel so dumb.

This may be an odd thing to ask but is it possible to use Roulette as a percussive/drum sequencer? I watched the replay of the live stream and it looks excellent with melodic instruments but could it be employed to trigger a drum rack, for instance?

Editor: I guess I’ll find out for myself soon enough as I could resist the Trio :wink:

Picked up Roulette today, love a good sequencer and this one delivers the goods. It’s different from other sequencers I’ve tried, simple on the surface but surprisingly complex. I had Roulette sequencing my Virus B, was sampling loops while twiddling knobs for hours while I was ‘working’ haha. Really enjoyed putting MIDI devices into the mix for additional spice, and randomising the whole damn thing with the Device Randomiser!


Yeah definitely can be used for percussion! It’s trickier though, but it’s quite fun too. :slight_smile:
Works well with the randomize functionality. Like, if you have a kick, snare and hihat on notes C3 to D3 you could enter %2 in one of the transpose sections and it will randomize between playing each note.


that’s one of the first thing i tried with roulette :
Using it with Addictive Drums to quickly set up a “drummer” with me as i play any other instrument to find ideas.
That way i’m in a groove but Roulette brings the “Jam side” to it and it can be applied for Jazz, Rock…anything really.
It works real good, especially when you have lots of articulations per kit pieces.


Excellent! I’m very excited to try it out!

a few years ago I came across this video and I remember even asking the question of how you can buy this application. what is the fate of this app? and is it possible to buy it?

Thnx for any information.


Heh, blast from the past!

It’s not available to buy, never has been, and I’m not sure I could even get it to work anymore. It’s built around Pure Data, but specifically the pd-extended version which is discontinued. It’s sitting on a drive somewhere.

But it’s also made specifically for performing live with a Nord Drum 2, so it’s not like a general sequencer nor is it user friendly to set up. It was fun to play live with it though.


Are you at all interested in working with iOS? (i.e. producing iOS apps)




Beautiful news!

I love working with your M4L devices and with hardware but I also spend a lot of time using iOS. It would be great to bring your approach to apps into that arena.

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to be honest, this is a very interesting concept for live control. I like the fact that you can use a game controller. and it would be great to see these ideas develop. it’s great to see it as a show and a great tool for drum modules.

I hope when you find the time and interest in this application.


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i was obsessed with that performance and some others from the same time period

actually if i had known he started working at elektron it would have been convincing enough to try their products MUCH sooner

had no idea until quite recently


Kit seems wonderful! :bomb:

Without tlaking of the sound demos, UI and UX at best expression.


These look very nice!

Wish these nifty-looking interfaces could show up in Push 2 with custom visualizations (as opposed to the usual circular Push encoder visualizations). I don’t guess 3rd party devs can do that though, can they?