What’s next for Ess / Fors?

Do it.
100% no regrets.

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I’m surprisingly enjoying revisiting Ableton with a fresh attitude after so much time dawless. I even finished a couple of small things in a very efficient and enjoyable way. And Fors have helped too ofc

Thinking about your DAW thread a while back, I seem to recall you wanted to be hardware-only or DAW-only ( no hardware ), and for artistic reasons you didn’t want a hybrid solution.

Is this still the same situation?

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Yep :slightly_smiling_face:

So this won’t happen.

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Grabbed Kit, as it seemed stupid not to (almost picked it up a couple of weeks ago, but got distracted). Will probably come back for more…

One note on the sale: the checkout page still shows the full amount after the code is entered - you see the discount if you close the cart, but if you go back to checkout the full price is back at the bottom of the form. The Paypal process doesn’t show you what you’re paying, BUT you do pay the discounted amount.

So I would:

  1. Put what you want in the cart
  2. Go to checkout and enter the code
  3. Close the checkout and verify that the discounted price shows in the cart overview
  4. Complete the checkout

I’m curious, how do Fors parameters integrate with push2? do they automap?

I only ever used push briefly when it released.

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I don’t have a Push so I can’t comment but it takes only a few seconds to group a device and map the macros and then save to your Library as a preset. It’s then really quick to browse and load from Push and you’ll see your named parameters. I already did this for the devices in Kit so that I can more easily remember what each of the icons do and tweak more precisely with knobs.

Anyway, glad this thread was bumped - I didn’t realise that Romb was a thing and a very lovely thing at that!! I also didn’t see the update to Superberry (I probably should subscribe to their mailing list…) and I’m now thinking that I’m aswell to round out my collection of Fors stuffs… it would be churlish not to…


Superberry’s params are all present on Push2, works well – but the mixed upper/lowercase On/Off-on/off does my head in :zonked:


:joy: :boom:

That’s actually not my fault - no way to fix that on my end (without changing to a different object than the one used for that specific parameter…) :frowning:

And to answer @pidgeo most of the stuff just shows up as grouped parameters, specifically Superberry 2.0 and Chiral 1.1 are mapped properly. The rest is sort of auto-mapped. Should get around to improve that.


If you ever released all these instruments as a stand-alone wholesome - hardware or software - I’ll buy a thousand copies just to make it worth your while.

Now, one might argue that just getting Ableton would be a cheaper way for me to get this all in one place.

And one would be right.

And yet, it would be so wrong.


Same. I have a couple of the earlier Fors plugins. But there’s no way I’m going back to Live after experiencing Bitwig.


Just grabbed a bunch of these and wow, what lovely, clever devices! The UI on the Kit devices is really nice (and that reverb is gorgeous!) and Pluck is sounding very tasty shot through my modular - unbelievable bargain.


You could buy Max instead and run them there. :wink:


I desperately need Fors hardware


I don’t mind Ableton sometimes but I only use the Intro version (which is plenty enough for me) and they won’t let me buy and use Max4Live on anything less than standard. So basically I have to upgrade to Standard and buy Max4Live or upgrade to Suite which will cost me something like £450. I’d quite like some of these M4L devices but I can’t have them without all that expense.

It actually makes me quite annoyed! I’ll probably end up just picking up an upgrade for Bitwig when 4.3 drops.

Back on topic - these Fors devices look great and I’d happily buy and use some of them if I didn’t get shafted by Ableton!


Yeah this is really quite sad – part of our ethos doing Fors is to try and keep a reasonable price tag on everything, but it’s of course a little paradoxical because you essentially have to have the most expensive version of Live.

Honestly one of the big reasons we would like to step out of Max for Live and start making plugins, but that unfortunately is way too much work for one single developer (me)


Thanks for the reply @Ess and for all your excellent work at Elektron.

I had a crack at writing a Reason rack extension device when I was unemployed a couple of years ago and I found it a whole world of pain compared to my day job writing web apps. It’s enough trouble dealing with different web browsers but dealing with different VST hosts and endless changes to SDKs and Apple hardware etc, I don’t blame you for sticking with an existing modular platform.


Tell me more :slight_smile: me being a non daw-guy, I don’t quite get what you mean.

But I’m intrigued.

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MaxMSP is the standalone version of Max for Live, which is an addon to Live. You need either to run the software from Fors. You can’t run it in Live without the Max extention installed.

MaxMSP is essentially a graphical programming language for media (audio and visual stuff, plus more). It works in a similar way to Reaktor, for example. It’s quite involved but well worth it if you’re interested in a free form DAW/open environment to play in.