What’s next for Ess / Fors?

hello everybody :vulcan_salute:

Opal is crazy good!!!
the immediacy of the UI coupled with the versatile soundengines and the perfect sequencer is an absolute stroke of genius-
@Ess thank you for this beautiful instrument :muscle::control_knobs:
and thank you @reeloy for linking my stream.
now stop posting and go get Opal immediately everybody :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:


Welcome, that sounds great! :vulcan_salute:


Wow! Amazing video. Really nice sounding patterns and super cool to see the machine in use like this. Some parts remind me a lot of the Autechre NTS sessions, which I happened to be listening to all the way through while programming the UI graphics for Opal, haha. Also, thank you so much for the kind words. Again, such cool sounds - thank you.

Thank you! I’m sorry it’s not for Bitwig, but at least I made you a little jealous? I’ll take that as a big compliment :wink:


@Ess …speaking of jealousy…any chance u could make opal a standalone vst plugin…?

does cyvling74 offer any sublicensing for such ideas…?

does opal also work within some kind of a standalone max enviroment without any need to be hosted within a dedicated max for live enviroment…?

i love microtonique since ages…but how treat treated opal was clearly next level of synthesis character…a talking, breathing living thing…i need this…

so big shout out to sweden again…opal in some digiformfactor would be mindblowing…

or do u see any chance, they could pick ur brain to implement some kind of new sonic monster engines like urs into the syntakt…?
…only if they spent their next synthengines at least two more menu pages, i’m afraid, while it’s hw cpu would fall apart half the way, i guess…


whatsoever…hell yeah, i’m jealous…U did a great job here…


hey i feel kinda dumb but i’ve gotta ask…can someone explain how Opal param locking differs from hardware?

i read the manual and just opened the app again to try something but can’t quite wrap my head around how to change engine settings on a per step basis

just touch the control you want to lock and use the “fader” under the triggers to lock.
make sure you have the poti selected…!


Is the strongest reason yet for me to consider Ableton. Or trying a daw again at all.

I’m mighty tempted now.


thanks for trying to explain

admittedly i’m still confused probably cause i don’t properly understand locking in the first place…on hardware i can easily hold a trig key, change a parameter and i know it’s locked

what are the steps to do the same without physical keys? how can i select an Opal trig without adding/removing it? is there a keyboard shortcut used to enable locks?

…just the other way around…u select a parameter u wanna “plock”…
and instead of holding a physical trig, u’ll find underneath each trig the conditional options for that parameter…

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I should probably make a more visual instruction of how this works in the manual, but maybe the short video could better help illustrate how it works.

(EDIT: agh, I thought I had enabled to show clicks… Hopefully it’s still fairly easy to follow…)

Basically each step holds different types of locks, parameter lock being one of them. The first “lock type” is the parameter lock, which lets you set a different value for the sound engine parameters per step.


When this lock type is selected, any parameter you click or change will be selected as the “parameter being locked”, meaning the slider underneath displays the lock data for that parameter on each step. The text in the bottom left corner shows what parameter is currently the one that is being locked.

So in short, you simply click on a parameter to view that for all the steps and then change the slider values to lock the parameter’s value of that step.

Hope that helps!


thanks @reeloy and @Ess now i understand and the clip above definitely helped

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Does Opal only work with Max4live, or can it be used with Max8 as well? Like others on this thread, I use Bitwig, but would love to try Opal out.

Just got this. Wow it’s so good. I agree with others, feels like playing with hardware, super fun/inspiring and obviously has very Elektron feel to it. But sounds better imo :sweat_smile:

Super intuitive and very well thougthout layout.

Dev’s, any possibility to separate this sequencer in the future and use it with other parts of Ableton? It’s incredible.

Is sample slot and sample start also plockable? There’s only “x” mark under each selected step. Am I doing something wrong or there’s no option to plock samples?

Btw: So far it doesn’t get that much attention, but I think Slate machine is brilliant! Very musical sounding sampler. Even without all the fancy grain stuff, playing it within few octaves range is very smooth and pleasant. I wonder if you have any plans for “proper” Fors sampler? I can only imagine what cool machine that would be.

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Yeah I think this adds real magic to Opal! You can have a fairly “plain” pattern, add some random Slate bits and it adds really interesting textures

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Click and drag on the “X” :+1:

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Thank you!
Wow, this thing is amazing.

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Any chance of standalone app or VST for non Ableton Live users?

Thank you

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Just to reiterate what many have said, this plugin would be very valuable to me as a VST. I know that’s a whole can of worms, but I’d be happy to pay good money for it, even if you chose to do some sort of fund-raising project to fund the development.

Opal’s creating a workflow that I’ve not had in the box before and there’s a lot of value in the speed and results I’m getting. I get the impression other folks are feeling the same way. I guess my point in reiterating this is, folks are really into this and I’m willing to bet other people are willing to invest in it’s creation, if it’s a possibility. I know I certainly am.

If you choose to go down the route, I’d also love Roulette and any other plugs that add randomness/chance/unexpected results to the music making process in the box. I feel like it’s the weakest part of the experience in the box and I’d love a suite of tools to use that help me get outside of my own habits.

Thanks for your work. I love it.


i need this to run on Bitwig. I will pay money @Ess!