What’s next for Ess / Fors?

could we organize some crowdfunding for this to happen @ess you have made a stir with. that release!

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I’d really love to see Opal as a VST with all it’s benefits as well.

I hope that Fors are already thinking about how they can make that happen. Perhaps in collaboration with an already established plugin developer like for example Sonic Charge? :slight_smile:

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Collaborate with UHe. I can’t imagine a more exciting pairing of minds.


I own Chiral and it’s amazing, but this thread made me want Opal too, I’ll get hold of it as soon as I can! Congrats @Ess !!! Are you using RNBO already? I guess you are, to port this to VST easily. I have yet to get acquainted to this new system within Max.

For the ones asking for a VST version, it is totally possible, and in fact anyone can port Opal to VST3

Have added opal to my list to buy when I have cash. It’s a short list of essentials

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At the Slate Engine can we import aiff files or only wav. ??
By the way i have to say big congrats for this amazing instrument !!!
Thank you @Ess

Before we jump the gun here, let me just point out that this is not how it works. I wrote a bit about RNBO a few posts ago and why it won’t work for me or this particular project. My opinion is that we’d better off re-writing Opal from (more or less) scratch rather than using RNBO. It’s not a one-click conversion nor does it even handle all the things that Opal does. It’s not a viable option.

I really appreciate the enthusiasm here! Our goal for the past year has been to work towards being able to venture outside of the Max for Live space while also making new things that are both exciting and makes enough revenue to expand.

This is a hard but rewarding path forward, and while a Kickstarter is not a bad idea I see it more as a last resort. I’d rather try to fund things ourselves and have a more natural growth. In fact, we have already expanded with a very talented developer (and ex-colleague, good friend, of mine!) joining the team, so things are moving. :slight_smile:

But – very happy to hear all the positive feedback and excitement, it’s very encouraging to know that so many people want to support us and our work.

I will not say too much about our plans moving forward because I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep – but Fors definitely has high ambitions.

It can handle most of the common formats :slight_smile:



Best software Co. around imo.


I’m sure it’s been said but it would be great to use opal without the attached devices as a standalone midi sequencer/modulation source for other ableton devices.

Also trig-less trigs :slight_smile:

Thanks again Ess and Fors. Amazing stuff!

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I love the sounds of the Fors instruments and would love to be able to have more hardware / push integration ….
I know I can control individual instruments with macros, but not Opal.
I dislike using the mouse to change parameters, so that would be my request going forward to feel like I’m using an instrument, but I guess the only way to do that, given Max limitations is by it being a AU/VST plug-in.
Thanks Ess


This is the best drum synth in the box since the release of Microtonic (2003), and I can’t understand why even Ableton can’t make a proper drum synth for Live users.
A VST would be great so that everyone can use this peace of art, but, let me dream, a hardware version of that would be outstanding, since nobody can make something like that on hardware too!


A hope for us non-Live users then! Just to add another voice to the request, Ess, and thank you for your amazing design. :+1:

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Very nice device!

I would be cool if you could parameter lock the other way around. Like holding one (or multiple) trigs with a button (like shift or alt) and then tweak multiple parameters. And when you hold/select trigs the parameters would change to show the locked value. I don’t know if it’s possible but I imagine it would be useful!

…so, i definitly count on this “hi ambitions” and fors’ next natural step in sonic biz evolution…

and wait for fors to grow out of it’s m4l niche exclusiveness to become a real 3rd party plugin development company…

time to expand ur comfort zone, ess…make us all happy and the sonic world a better place…

Yes, you can run it in Max itself by dragging the device file (.amxd) into an empty Max patcher – you’ll need to hook up the outputs yourself (just connect its output to a dac~ object) though. It will follow the transport in Max instead, which should be easy enough to just engage by pressing the little play button in the bottom right corner of a Max window.

Not totally how it’s intended to use, but should work pretty well.


…thanx for ur response, but i got hi hopes for u and ur ambitions to slowly but surely growing bigger…

so keep up the good work and be assured, i’ll be one of ur first more than happy custumers, once u’ve made ur next step… :grin:

As for having a release of this software in a hardware box I would suggest looking into porting the code to the Ipad environment.

Imagine being able to use this fullscreen on a nice Ipad touchscreen with multi-touch support. I don’t know the technicality behind it though but it would be really cool to use it that way as well :slight_smile:

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Would love to see a collaboration between Fors and Arturia, maybe some synth models developed by Fors for the MiniFreak or even a DrumFreak :nerd_face:.


@Ess stuff sounds so damn good.

I have to admit tho that I never reach to use it as the interface is too tiny being stuck in the bottom window.

It’s excellent that the sequencer + instrument can be rescaled but if there was any way to make the individual egines resizeable also, I’d purchase this immediately!

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