What’s next for Ess / Fors?

Max4live works with Ableton Standard, but is not included in the price, so you have to buy a separate license.


Just chiming in here again, as a non-programmer who is incredibly naive about/ignorant of the time and effort involved in such a process, that I (and many of my colleagues) would happily pay hundreds of dollars to have these instruments in VST format.

Such cool, cool stuff.

(cries in Reaper/Bitwig)


Thanks for clarifying, @DeelaneeOrchestra - I had forgotten about that option.

Opal is great! The wiping steps thing is getting to me. That holding the mouse tip doesn’t work for me, maybe because I use a trackpad. I think it might be better if the velocity had it’s own lock type select lane. Also I would love to be able to arrow key up/down pitch. I couldn’t find this in the manual, maybe because parameter locks complicate things, but it would be nice to copy midi note info from one track to another.


Dragged 2 guitar samples into Opal and went off for 40 mins in a live stream


@Ess Amazing update! :heart:
I have a little request for the next release, an Init button per instrument, the randomize function is great to find new sounds but having to manually reset all the instrument parameters manually is time consuming.


If I click and hold the cursor outside the step and then drag into it, that seems to reliably let me adjust the velocity without wiping the step. If I click with the cursor on the step then it always toggles the step on or off and ignores any dragging.

It’s not entirely intuitive and I agree that a separate velocity lane would be great.


It is nice having the bigger button surface, and it always being there. Part of me wants all the lock fields to go to the boxes, although that might be wierd for modulo and ratchet. Tricky tricky.

I saw a section in the manual about copying pages. I didn’t work for copying the sequencer page to other tracks. Command plus click ish, maybe user error?

@Ess V1 was already GOAT but this update is pushing it sooo much further!
I m having way to much fun…:joy:
Thank you!!!


I’m driving myself crazy with this. Is there a new view where we can see 128 steps at once? If not that would be cool.


No, its 16x8=128. Still just 16 steps per view.

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Man i think a hardware version of this would be 10 or 20 times the price, so my wallet thanks you @Ess !

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I’ll look in to improving the mousing here!

For what it’s worth, I think it makes the most sense to always have velocity available and displayed the way it is because it determines whether there is a sound happening or not. This is true for both Opal and historically with a lot of sequencers and MIDI stuff etc.

I wanted to be able to both add/remove steps quickly by just clicking, or adjusting the velocity by dragging. The issue with steps being accidentally wiped stems from the logic determining when you are simply removing/adding vs adjusting.

Things like these are quite tricky with the Max custom UI stuff, but I should be able to improve things. :slight_smile:


any plans to add m8 style keyboard combos to control opal without mouse?
is that even possible within ableton?

:thinking: :slight_smile:

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Probably being naive here, but could there be a toggle to enable/disable the trig and then velocity is controlled by the current slider? This could mean:

  • toggle to enable access to any of the trigs controls
    • disabled by default
  • disabling toggle clears any p-locks
  • velocity is then just a p-lock, with 0 velocity implying no note message needs to be sent
  • would still have the benefit of being able to quickly disable steps

i don’t know if this makes sense from an implementation perspective.

Yeah figured. I would enjoy seeing more than 16 steps at once…


My workaround is to always copy the step I’m about to edit and pasting it if it gets lost. Not ideal, but better than to deal with data loss. Maybe it’s a track pad thing, but it happens quite often on my MacBook.

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Is it possible to add like a slew or glide to the Randomvalue on the Matrixpage. So it has no rough “edges”.

Here’s a question about Ableton/Opal workflow: I use the spacebar to start/stop Opal’s sequencer and record the audio sent to another track. I love the tail of the sound when the sequence stops but can’t find out how to record it because the recording stops as well.


Accidentally deleting steps is my biggest issue at the moment as well. Improving this would be a big improvement, thanks!

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