What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

Digitone is something one could have two of as well :wink: Bought it shortly after the A4.


My Instruo CS-l oscillator. I didnt think I needed a complex oscillator, I was certainly not going to pay that much for just an oscillator…


OB6. Though about it for more than a year, up until the point where I exactly said, fuck it let’s go. I’m very, very glad I finally took the plunge.


I’m still in this phase - I’m not ready to be convinced why I’m wrong

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I’ve had one on (OB6) loan for a couple of months, I cannot afford one, but it is sensational!
Going to have misty eyes when it goes, Nymphes will have to try it’s best (once I’ve saved for one).

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OP-1 Field (actually I also could have bought a Perkons instead, but a lack of desk space killed that thought)

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go check out Cherry Audio Mercury 4 emulation of the JP4, it’s stunningly good

I abs adore my OB6, it’s a stunner

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OB6 historically, but Perkons is looking mighty, mighty fine.

Korg Modwave is a brilliant synth, the editor is a breeze and you can throw hundreds of WT’s and samples at it, so inspiring. I sold my Waldorf Iridium as the Modwave can cover almost everything the Iridium could do and sound just as good. fantastic value. I just sit mine on a shelf via USB and use my Hydra deluxe KB to drive it. love it to bits for sounds.

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get a Korg Modwave, you won’t be disappointed, sold my Iridium as the Modwave can cover it all and is so much cheaper and easier to program. Iridium was quite buggy and crashed quite often

I tried a few Cherry Audio stuff and didn’t liked the sound of it at all to be honest, I’m probably too spoiled with analog synths around me. One of the thing I like about the JP4 on top of the sound are it’s size and interface (the Abyss as well), as well as the clockable arp so a virtual one is not what I’m looking for anyway.

I probably said this already, but definitely a MAM VF-11

Mine was Prophet 12, i still love it.


For me its every synth…

I got a new M1 Macbook Pro, and since Im going to City Colleges, might as well get the education bundle.

It comes with Logic.

And since i got Logic, I should get an instrument

I got my first synth last thanksgiving… a DFAM. I couldn’t figure out how to use it, so i thought I needed another synth to make it work, so I got the Mother 32. I actually started making music! Like actual songs that made me hyped!

aaaaaaaaaaaand in less than a year, I went all in… HARD. I was good with what i had, but thought fuck it!

NO COMPROMISE. NONE. Run up the cards and pay them off because i can afford it, but get the gear now. Out run inflation.

I own everything.

Not one but TWO DFAMS (why?!?! WHY NOT!)
Mother 32
Werkstatt 01
Roland Ax Edge
MC 101
SP 404 MK II
Keystep 37
Beatstep Pro
Keystep Pro
Volca FM 2
A real Moogerfooger 103 (plus the new virtual ones)
Soundtoys 5
All the Eventide Plug ins
A couple pocket operators
A Focusrite 18i20
Behringer ADAT expansion
and of course…

a Prophet 6 keyboard edition.

…and to join all of you fine folks…

Analog Heat mk II and…

A SYNTAKT! (its the clicky buttons for me).

And it hasnt been a year yet. GAS is a Mutherfucker.

but you know what?

fuck it.


That is consequent inconsequent, make an album :slight_smile:

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I keep maxing out my Soundcloud with songs… they are still kinda trash, but I love doing them. I figure once I get my head around making A and B parts, i can start thinking about making an album.

EDIT: I should also add, I really struggle making music, and I feel spent after I wrestle with the understanding of all this gear. I usually feel spent after i get something recorded… and these feelings are the most valuable things to me… to be able to fight for something just out of reach… it feels REAL worth the invetment.


This really made me laugh. :joy::joy::joy: excellent


The Iridium was my recent ‘fuck it’ purchase. Oh boy, what a glorious instrument this is. This will keep me away from buying more eurorack for a long time.


I bought a used Moog Sirin in mint condition. I did not get a bargain, but I thought the price was fair. I’ve paired it with my Digitakt and I love it so far. I sold a few euro rack modules to offset the cost, as I’m stepping away from Eurorack.

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