What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

And it is at this point I realized I should stop looking at this thread.


I would go for a Take 5. :rofl:


my man

mine is the Cascadia!

just kidding, im way too poor for that

oh, one time i bought a cz-101. except i find myself regretting letting it go a lot. not a lot of good phase distortion synths around in desktop format outside of eurorack

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I’ve been lucky enough to find a hardly used unit. And last month in Italy there were maybe three GT and four VSynth for sell. Take a look in mercatinomusicale.it time to time

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good to know, thought you didn’t find the quality of the sound that good. I’ve had the rev2 for a few weeks now and I have to say it’s been an interesting experience. now I would like to have all sequential synths;)

who knows, maybe you’ll get around to buying a few more of those. anyway i personally think that the rev2 goes great with the rytm including effects pedals.

Mine was the UDO Super 6 (keyboard) a couple months back. Oh, momma what a synth. I love it so much. Between that and the Waldorf Iridium I can’t complain about the synths if my music sounds bad haha


If I had to have one only it would be the Rev2 without a doubt… I’d just want the voice expansion board to make it 16 voices though, then I’d be fully covered.

Any sound design things I think about doing I can do with the Rev2 99% of the time. Its workflow is superb.


cascadia is looking spicey. maybe after i sell a couple of pieces off.

Two things.
#1-I lied. I had the MK1.
#2- Your friend must be the most patient person you personally know.

All I remember was loading disk into the ram, the biblical sized owner manual. Confusing menu diving. The slowness of doing absolutely anything. The lameness of the turntable scratch plate. The…the…oh GOD I’m starting to get flashbacks! I try not to regret much in my life, but this is certainly up there in my regrets, and that’s on a list that includes not buying Bitcoin in 2010.

Bad Gear Review, if you’re reading this, get on it.


My latest one of these, (really the only one for a while) is the Mask 1. The minute I heard it, I thought “I must have this.” Then I said fuck it, I have to sell some synths even if I like them. :smiley:

Now I’m basically just going to be using the Mask 1 and Digitone Keys for my setup. I’ll probably pick up another Syntakt at some point though, because it’s amazing. If it doesn’t sell, then I’ll keep it and use the trio. :wink:

It arrives Monday. I’d like to get up and push on the FedEx plane, so it gets here faster. :smiley:


For me the Nina is starting to look more and more tempting (although I probably definitely won’t as the price is eye watering if not good value).

It feels like a nexus of everything I have both thought I wanted and actually wanted in a synth.

  • A nice straightforward poly like a 106 - check
  • A nice noodle machine like a perfourmer (not sure about replicating the playmodes) - check
  • An easy to layer voices synth similar to roland gaia - check

In other words it could really help me downsize haha

do software synths count ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
just bought desktop version of Poison-202.
it is not even Silicon-ready and runs via Rosetta.
but it’s too good to miss it on desktop.

Thanks for the suggestions. Very helpful.

I bought a P5, just finished doing a tv ad music with it and in the end actually went with omnisphere’s Prophet sounds because the poly unison is bigger on that! So you totally have analog sounds if you want them already!

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Haha - interesting to know as I’ve never compared!!!

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I mean the hardware definitely has more feels and fun and inspiring! Like all big poly synths which suffer the same issues, when you use them in a track/composition with lots of other sounds and layers of audio, a lot of that luxurious and lush sound can easily take over and muddy a mix, so they’re great for the right type of music or sparse things. If you’re track is loaded with layers and sound design, you really want to creating quite simple tones with them and also EQ them a lot too!

I put myself on the Soma Terra list. More of a fuck it I’ll sign up for updates and availability rather than a fuck it I’m buying it move. Until it’s ready for purchase and I maybe give in.

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This was exactly what happened to me a few years ago. A JP4 came up locally for the equivalent of about €1800, which was cheap already then. Bought it immediately even though I had to sell another synth to get it. Still my favorite instrument (early ba662 filters in mine), and I have a hard time seeing that I could ever get rid of it.

For me now, the synth that I would run after if it came up at a decent price is the Korg 770. Have missed a few already due to indecisiveness…

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Most of my gear has been f*ck it I buy it! Seems to be my MO. :joy:

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Every eurorack module ever and even worse is I get no dopamine hit anymore…in fact I might wait weeks before even messing with new gear