What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

Yeah I basically made a full EP under a single patch on it I am sequencing it from an M8 tracker though.


Oh of course: had forgotten the whole MIDI utility aspect and possibilities…this system continues to intrigue for sure

For me it‘s (currently lol) the Waldorf Iridium in terms of functionality and possibilities (don’t love the touchscreen based interface though).

The other one that’s been sort of there for years but I’ve never actually considered buying it due to its price-to-need ratio for me is Black Corporation’s Deckard’s Dream…if I were to have a “fuck it!” moment though, it would probably lead to this one for the sheer fact that I don’t need it but like it, so it NEEDS a “fuck it” moment to end up at mine :slight_smile:


Lol same, just now. Big time F it energy.

I can’t imagine anyone buying a Field at full price not having thought ‘f*ck it!’… especially when you think of other things you can get for the money.


I’m going to sell 3 or 4 pieces of gear/pedals I never use anymore to make up the cost.

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just about every synth I own was purchased with this exact thought in mind.


I want one of these BAD!


Slate + Ash Landforms during the sale last week and an external SSD to run it.

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When researching the Digitakt, which would become my first Elektron device, I was struck by how well the Digitone complimented it.

So many videos of the pair doing their thing and sounding so good, workflows complimenting each other like they were made to be together. I couldn’t help myself.

I said ‘F-it!’, and ordered this to go with it…



Not a synth, but Cirklon sequencer…if I ever saw one for a price that didn’t make me cry, I would get it instantly.


Just get on the waitlist now.
No deposit.

You gotta figure who knows what life will be like in 3 years.

Hell, the exchange rate alone for USD, if you got on the list 3-4 years ago, and were getting your Cirklon direct now, it’d be around around $250-$300 less today than it would have been then. And those are the fair new prices, not the used prices that induce tears.


Agreed… just sign up for the Cirklon waiting list. No harm in it. If your number comes up in 3-4 years and you don’t want it, then just decline and they’ll move on to the next person. I signed up a year and half ago, so I’m probably not even halfway through, but you just kind of forget about it (at least I do). Every few months a post like this will remind me, but otherwise life goes on and eventually it’ll be time.


I kind of did the same (already had DT, got DK deal I couldn’t pass up) but DK, unlike most of the posts on the thread, is not a huge increment in cost over DN (it’s only 20% more), but it’s more about the commitment that a large keyboard unit entails, in space and in the mental effort needed to use it to a reasonable fraction of its potential. I think there is some of this in many of the posts here, though it’s buried. For me, right now, the devices I look at and wonder about are relatively large and expensive Eurorack modules: Fumana, Assimil8or, ER-301. I can afford them, but I don’t know that I can afford the disruption (slightly physical, but mostly mental) they would cause.

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Can’t think of one synth I’d gamble my finances on, but I have been producing a long while and may just be “geared out” for a bit.


Not sure if this counts but I pulled over to the side of the road to order a hapax when I heard that it was announced - with no further knowledge/research other than that Squarp had a new standalone sequencer.


Yocto 808 prebuilt.
Prophet 10. No YouTube demo can capture the true essence of this synth.
Prophet 6. When this first released the demos did it justice.
Roland TD50K2. It was the only entry level e drum set with the VH14D hi hat. I can’t stop playing this kit since it arrived at my house in November 2021. It also has an 808 and 909 synth engine too.


Entry level???


*Entry level kit with the new VH14D hi hat. ; )

Wrong wording. My apologies


For me it was the Virus TI polar, I had always wanted one since Access first released it but could never afford it, after buying and not falling in love with the Waldorf Iridum I sold it and said fuck it I’ll just buy the TI, and particularly the polar because how nice it looks. I’m very happy with the choice it ended up sounding better than I had anticipated.

But to be honest, over the years I’ve pulled the ‘fuck it I’m gonna buy it’ countless times with synths, that how I get into modular l