What’s your- ‘F*ck it! I’m buying it!’ synth?

mine was the Waldorf M. it was almost perfect. perfect sound though, for sure. i will get another one day

more recently, not for financial reasons it was the Peak, to add alongside my P12. more like “fuck it, i know i hated it the first time but im coming around to hybrid synths and im a little better at mixing hardware levels now” and im very glad i did. what an incredible synth. really fits well beside the P12 also


I stumbled on a YouTube video about the Digitakt. WTH, after a bunch of videos, Fck it!, I bought one. After being confuse about work flows, I started looking into the whole Elektron thing. Discovered the Octatrack. If I have to learn this stuff, might as well jump in the deep end. Fck it!, I bought a MKII. I also did the same when I first saw an Emax so it’s not a new thing for me…

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The LZX Chromagnon counts as a synth, right?

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The Sequential Prophet X - had to get rid of a few mono synths to finance it but definitely worth it


Got a whole lot of travel coming up for work and I was in the market for a compact midi controller to throw in my backpack.

So I bought an OP1.


My biggest f**ck it moment was probably last year, when I spontaneously bought a MNM again. I used to own one back when prices wasn’t ridiculous (bought it used for 6000 DKK (=806 euro)) and stupidly sold it for the same price again to found a Prophet 12.

But something kept nagging me, as I was searching for a certain raw/rough digital tone. Neither the P12 or a Digitone (nor the M:C) did provide it, and when one came up here in Copenhagen for a somewhat bigger price, I thought “f*ck it” and made an offer a bit below the price, which was surprisingly accepted. (Still a silly price, though, but lesson learned!)

So now I have the MNM again, and it turned out, it was exactly the sound I was missing! :slight_smile:


Was budget the primary cause of that angsty feeling? If yes, then perhaps it is better to exercise prudence given the world climate conditions (figuratively and literally). I strive to buy when I can comfortably splurge for something that’s not an essential item to me. YMMV.

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It was the Syntakt

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I thought my td-27kv was a splurge

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10 years ago, after several years of zero music output, and after a period of self reflection (I’ve covered this in the past so will avoid here), I turned 30 and thought “fuck it” and bought Maschine. By most synth standards, not an expensive outlay, but at the time, it was a bit of a jumping feet first back into music as a hobby. From there things took wild twists and turns with massive £££s spent/recieved as I bought and sold things.

Fast forward to the here and now and I turn 40 in 2 months and kind of want to treat myself to something significant. Some concerns I’m chasing rainbows a bit here and trying to recreate the 30th vibes but I’d rather get something with longevity than, say, a new MacBook or iPad. It feels like I’m on the cusp of a “fuck it” moment but not sure how it will land. The OP-1 Field has been calling though…



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I agree and understand most of what you’re saying here… but, if a new MacBook or iPad helps you to make and finish music, that will hold its own value to you going forward (as in the music lives forever).

I switched to Ableton a year ago after being a long term ProTools/Logic user who was trying out Dawless… and that’s probably given me the most back of any investment I’ve made in gear in the last 15-20 years. It might not be the most satisfying (that’s currently the Prophet 6 I just received :-)), but it keeps on impressing me and surprising me with how fkn powerful it is.

I understand why people like the OP-1 Field, I just don’t understand the price of it… if it was £500-£700, which is where my personal valuation of it is, I might get one… but it’s new, it’s unproven and the current flavour of the month… if I was going to blow ‘fuck it, it’s my 40th’ money, I’d look at something proven and a classic if possible.
Fwiw, I bought a Gibson ES-330 for my 40th, one that I knew was a keeper.

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I got lucky at the time with pricing at a drum shop before inflation was mad. The owner knew I wanted the TD27KV with a VH14D and he broke my arm with the pricing for the TD50K2. I’m glad I bought from a small shop where he worked out a deal with the kit and drum hardware. Don’t you love the digital snare on your kit mate? My MPC skills have improved 10 fold because of it

Oh I get you there. I probably should have mentioned I have a 2018 MBP and a 2020 iPad Pro already. Neither are running out of puff and can handle what I throw at it though I do like the post Intel stuff that Apple are doing. This also highlights I’m likely in the “more money than sense” camp :joy:

So I’m very much ITB with a couple of things kicking about (ST and AK). I’d love to jump on something like the Polybrute which I love the look and sound of but space is an issue plus, I’m a lazy bastard and much prefer audio over USB which it doesn’t have. Having said that, I do think it would fall into keeper territory which is sort of what I’m after. Something I can be happy with and comfortable will be around for the long haul which, admittedly. Is never a certainty in my case anyway!


Any difference from the younger generation saying just YOLO.

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Try fast forwarding to 58. Ive been fast forwarding all my adult life it seems. :rofl: And each decade i promise myself a new life changing gadget. Ive given up on fuck its. Now its more yes/no.


Well, add the Korg MS-20 FS to the list. It was purchased today.


To date, Moog Matriarch and Subharmonicon. Typical story behind those - didn’t really need either to make the music I want to make, but saw them on sale and couldn’t resist.

Next Eff-it buy will probably be OB-X8 or Prophet 5 (desktop), almost purely for nostalgia reasons.


Vermona PerFOURmer and Prophet REV 2, and off topic, a Leica M9 (which is now a £2500 paper weight as the sensor is gone and can’t be replaced for less than 2k) :slight_smile:

Absolutely love the Prophet REV 2 so far thou. Amazing bit of kit.


When I realized that my GAS was a little out of control, I sold all of my hardware and bought another Maschine Mk3.

Time to stop gear lusting/learning and actually write some beats. :palm_tree: