What to moan about?

So we have 1.22 with amazing new sequencer possibilities, 1.30 with better sound shaping possibilities i ever expected. What to moan for?

Maybe internal sampling and more sample manipulation possibilities?

ah well, here goes :
fine 14bit control of waaay more parameters, in the style of A4/k
key track on the filter, like A4
quantized start selection when using chains, i.e. you specify the reduction in resolution starting at 1(normal) so an LFO e.g. will only land on 0/20/40/60/80/100 if you have a six sample chain
start & end as a single LFO destination
a quicker key-combo way to silence a looping sample on a track (i.e. not just trigs)
fine tune on some machines e.g. hats
ā€˜stickyā€™ pads option - hit one and the synth page reflects the last played
user dimmable lights in chromatic mode to highlight on-scale notes from undesirable ones
all doable :+1:
minipops machines :wink:

Since you asked:

[li]More LFOs or multiple destinations/depth for the single lfo per track we have now. [/li]
[li]Tuned LFO speeds like A4 now that we have some basic synth machines to work with so we can do tuned FM stuff[/li]
[li]Global option to turn on saving temo with patterns or some other method of allowing this option.[/li]
[li]Flanger/Chorus effect option (could take place of reverb or delay for the kit)[/li]
[li]map custom scale to pads instead of just chromatic[/li]
[li]Long standing whine: output sequencer notes to midi[/li]

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Iā€™d be in Dub Techno heaven if:

  1. the Rytm could just output simple triad chord midi notes - to a rack poly synth.
  2. A spring reverb. (maybe this is possible to get close already but I havenā€™t found a way?)
  3. Yes, more sample manipulation possibilities. Maybe classic sampler emulation technology as well? Bit reducer helps, but Iā€™m left wanting more.

Unfortunately, I got official word a few months ago that there will not be any more LFOs. Apparently itā€™s impossible with the way the hardware is setup. This is straight from ā€œSimon.ā€

Sampling is never going to happen for the same reason.

For me, there was some rumors of a ā€œBassā€ Machine. I would love that tremendously!

Lastly, if possible, I would love to see the second Midi port (thru port) be able to mirror the Midi Out so you could have two MIDI out ports.

Quantized triggering on the fly would be cool to improve live jamming.

Well not gonna cry if these are not added but would quite like:

Better clap machine, DR-110/808/ClapTrap/909/HC2 style

Improved LFO(s)

Better reverb, more like A4 or OT dark verb

Proper dual Twin T type machine for all those classic sounds (BD, Bongo, Toms, etc)

Adjustable pad response.

Choice of linear or exponential response for all decays

What I still miss is:

  1. More Toms machines!! They are really poor when you compare them with the huge variety of BD or SD that there are currently. Maybe a conga/marimba machines, or a tunnable impulse machine.

  2. MIDI Out, I really want it, simple is enough for me, I donā€™t need send CC, just notes.

  3. While a basic sampling like the obsolete MachineDrum would be good, an easiest and faster samples tranference would be welcome (including the ability to recall your project, and transfer from the AR to the computer).

ability to fine-tune sample starting point; more modulation

thatā€™s all I want

Check out SDS Drop on the mac app store. Itā€™s written by ā€œVoidā€ one of the moderators here.
It has completely changed my workflow. Itā€™s drag and drop to the pads from your computer, I donā€™t think it could be any easier.
Price = $10, worth every penny

sample start & end as a single LFO destination
tuned LFOs for FM
ability to assign LFO to other track/voice destinations
9th and 10th Overbridge inputs (16bit) for the stereo FX
access to info on Project RAM MB / +Drive MB ā€œused/remainingā€

These are my only remaining desires, but their absence wonā€™t slow me down.
I will still make a whole hell of a lot more music with this latest OS update.

Could use a few mbā€™s extra on top of the 64 mb per project, since i like to use loops and sample chains, plus the occasional L&R stereo sample and that way memory tends to eat up a little fast. Donā€™t know if possible or desirable though.

And really like some of the suggestions the others posted.

But if nothing would change in the future, AR would still be my desert island choice by a mile

^ This ^

Higher resolution for certain parameters is a really big deal for meā€¦ I would gladly reprogram every kit I have if necessaryā€¦

Switchable exponential curves for envelopes would be great also.

Multi map function a la md/mm/a4

Fairly certain that the 64MB is a hardware limitation.
You could import longer samples that have been pitched/sped up with a DAW, then pitch them back down to get more sample time out of your 64MB.

^ This ^

Higher resolution for certain parameters is a really big deal for meā€¦ I would gladly reprogram every kit I have if necessaryā€¦
Soundwise, the beauty of the jump from 7bit to 14bit is that thereā€™s no reprogramming required, just giving us access to the ā€˜already factored inā€™ least significant bytesā€™ and weā€™re suddenly able to fine tune ā€˜betweenā€™ the coarse steps :slight_smile:
as itā€™s basically baked in, I can only imagine there was a meeting one day where it was decided it was better released this way, who knows why, what you lose in resolution you gain in immediacy, but iā€™d trade the control back in a heartbeat, even on just a few select parameters

Fairly certain that the 64MB is a hardware limitation.
You could import longer samples that have been pitched/sped up with a DAW, then pitch them back down to get more sample time out of your 64MB.[/quote]
Ah yes of course thanks. Will do in the future. Got too many happy accidents atm to redo stuff in current project though

^ This ^

Higher resolution for certain parameters is a really big deal for meā€¦ I would gladly reprogram every kit I have if necessaryā€¦
Soundwise, the beauty of the jump from 7bit to 14bit is that thereā€™s no reprogramming required, just giving us access to the ā€˜already factored inā€™ least significant bytesā€™ and weā€™re suddenly able to fine tune ā€˜betweenā€™ the coarse steps :slight_smile:
as itā€™s basically baked in, I can only imagine there was a meeting one day where it was decided it was better released this way, who knows why, what you lose in resolution you gain in immediacy, but iā€™d trade the control back in a heartbeat, even on just a few select parameters [/quote]
Oh cool, thatā€™s good to knowā€¦ I donā€™t think I realised that it was already working at 14 bit in the background.

Iā€™d settle for it on just ā€œtimeā€ parameters, on the envelopes for example, there is just too much space between 0 and 1ā€¦ itā€™s almost on or off.

More filter resolution would be niceā€¦ but I could probably live without it.

I was thinking a nice touch would be to reverse the ā€œpushā€ functionality on the encoders for any 14 bit parametersā€¦ so itā€™d scroll fast by default through the 16,000 and something steps of, lets say, Filter Cutoff, then push the encoder in and turn to fine tune the valuesā€¦ I feel like Iā€™m going to break something doing large movements with the encoder pushed in.


But this is really ā€˜icing on the cakeā€™ kind of stuff.

I am moaning cuz elektron still hasnā€™t released a ā€œsummertime AR shaderā€ add-on! Now how am I gunna play this thing when I canā€™t see the pads leds in direct sunlight?!

Also a cup holder would be noice