What to moan about?

Price drop :sob: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Perhaps a low-budget version with half the audio output ports, half the memory, no USB, no cowbell

I will always love my Rytm.

I will always hate its sample management

ā€¦and the red/gray secondary function text on black panel for all the ā€˜dark trinityā€™ machines. WTF? Has no one at Elektron played a show in the dark? UI fail. OS updates wonā€™t fix that though :dizzy_face:

hmm yeahā€¦ comes to mind, the panel printing itself isnā€™t exactly greatā€¦
on mine, the labels below master volume and the track button are almost fully worn offā€¦
pls fix in next update.

I had actually considered painting the buttons with custom colours to give more readibility for dark environments. In the end, I settled on a few black n white stickers to my important buttons. Has worked great for me :+1:

ps you can order new faceplates, but it will cost youā€¦

I presumed this thread was a little joke.
Surely a wee jokey-joke eh?

Yup- Its a jokey title as there is very little left to moan about (so what will we all do now!) and RYTM is undoubtedly the best hardware drum machine now available.

Yup- Red (and Grey) printed on Black is a printing no-no and web designers avoid it as once you get over 40 they are famously difficult to read even in natural light- this is pretty well known.

I am surprised there hasnā€™t been a market for alternative tops (looks like it just comes off with 4 screws) like the Eurorack Greyscale panelsā€¦

My only real compliant with RYTM now is sample loading over midi and sample management, all I suspect will eventually be fixed with Overbridge and I am more than happy (the updates far exceeded my expectations an to be honest I am more in love with the new trigger options like probability than anything else).

http://www.styleflip.com/analog-rytm-custom-skins This site does great skins and just released a rytm template. So now you can jazz your rytm up with any color you like. Iā€™ve had one on my A4 for a while, quite rugged and hasnā€™t faded at all. Much cheaper than a new faceplate!

Bit offtopic butā€¦ please share a picture your Analog Four custom skin (in the Pictures of gear thread?), Iā€™m really curious about how those decals work out, with the lettering and all. I may like to try one myself. Indeed, I too find it suprising I havenā€™t seen any custom faces for the Analog series.

Sure thing, iā€™ll post those right meow.

I wouldnā€™t moan about anything, but some features that would improve the experience for me would be:

  • Tuning parameters to display note value (so it would be quicker to say tune your kick to an F or a C# or whatever)

  • A way to adjust the touch sensitivity of the pads

  • Group pads, so that pressing pad X would trigger pad Y as well, for layering sounds quicker.

But yeah, all just details. Love the machine to bits as it is :slight_smile:

+1 for the tempo per pattern-fail
+1 for adjustable pad response.
+1 sample management

else iĀ“m happy
mmmaybe the dark reverbā€¦

  • Filter Frequency & Resonance show true values (in Hz and Q)
  • Pattern population algorithms (euclid, random)
  • Control common parameter on all tracks (filter sweeps)

Kit sysex dumps now seem to be 3041 bytes long instead of 3095 bytes. I much preferred 3095, as a number.

I prefer 3041 since it is a prime number

I think thatā€™s why I donā€™t trust it. But yeah I can see the magick.

my fairly new analog keys ā€¦ logo smeared off :confused:

loving my brand new rytm though

+1 to 2&3!!!
The Machinedrum had #3, right? Cntl-al machine?

A second lfo, would be awesome !