What would your perfect Elektron box look like if building cost wouldn‘t matter?

Unrealistic answers only pls :wink:

Four A4 analog voices
Four AR hybrid voices
Four ST digital voices
Four OT-ish stereo sample voices
Any voice can be a midi track
Two ST fx tracks
2x chorus/delay/reverb blocks
Four inputs, eight outputs (assignable)
Internal 16 + 4 channel mixer

Is that asking too much?


Not unrealistic enough! :upside_down_face: Double the voices and add 16 MD voices and freely assignable LFOs and I’m game.


No compressor? No saturation/distortion?


No need if p-locking fx tracks :slight_smile:

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Mixer with 4 band parametric eq + comp with sidechain option per channel and I‘m in :slight_smile:


1/ Tons of support for modular with many CV outputs
2/ Updated sequencer options like random, reverse, ping pong, Euclidean, etc that only seem to exist in the Eurorack sequencer world

3/Larger OLED color screens
4/ Touch screen

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I present to you the Elektron XL8.

From left to right:

  • 8 Analog Four channels
  • 8 Analog Rytm channels
  • centre mix busses and global controls, sends and master FX
  • 8 sample (OT and DT combined) channels

That would be layer 1. At the press of a button, any of the sections can flip to one of four alternative layers, replicating all of the above again.

Every channel has built in EQ, gate and compression. Plenty of busses, sends and master effects selections and routing options. Screens follow the sections below them, so you can adjust multiple areas simultaneously.
The centre console can also run Ableton, Bitwig or the DAW of your choice.

Also comes with built in manual (you’ll need it!).

Unrealistic enough @suitcasecontroll? :wink:


Is this necessary?


That would need AI like Siri or Alexa for a first time user!

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Performance mixer, like OT without the samples. 16 channels (8 stereo) with individual outs, each with their own assignable FX like in the OT but I guess you could up the number of FX per track to 6? Add analog filters & distortion circuits, master compressor. I guess a couple of AUX sends and stereo returns would be cool, as well as two stereo master outs.

Elektron sequencer would be used to assign FX per step, as in OT. Crossfader and scenes as well. Controllable by midi, as well as being abled to send midi and use it as a midi controller with the best features from DT and OT.

Yeah, like the ultimate mixer / multi FX / midi controller I guess? Oh and you could then download new FX, make it open source so people could code their own.


I’ve actually used the smaller version of that desk in real life before (Midas Pro6). I originally had to go on a day-long training course to use it, and even got a certificate at the end. :sweat_smile:


Just give me a sampler with some polyphony. Can’t deal with stingy voice count. Tis 2023 already


  • 24 tracks - 8 A4/Rytm based tracks (16 voices total), 16 DT/DN/ST/OT (48 voices total) tracks
  • 24 MIDI or CV/Gate tracks
  • Individual outs on 1/8 jacks
  • 4 individual FX per track
  • 4 LFOs, 2 assignable envelopes (on top of normal Filter/Amp env).
  • CV/Gate IO
  • 8x audio in
  • USB IO for MIDI/Audio/Data
  • Ability to host USB MIDI keyboards/controllers
  • 16gb build in memory with disk streaming

I could probably add more, but then we’re getting ridiculous!


Too often overlooked. I don’t know why this isn’t a standard feature.


I just want an octatrack with the ability to pitch up/down like 4 octaves each way and i’m set for life


Somthing like 16 tracks that you can assign any machine from any elektron box ever, from an OT flex to a digitone synth to a Rytm kick.
Insert, send and master effects.
As @sacguy71 said, more unconventional and generative sequencing options, and also relative sequencing instead of absolute.
OT arp and quantizer, but unlinked.
And a LaunchControlXL type controller with knobs and faders assignable like on Ableton.


An Elektron version of the Waldorf Iridium, but with 8 layers / tracks

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Digitone, but with black track buttons. :grimacing:


Machinedrum 2