Whats going on with Youtube?

I can also recommend using YouTube-dl - it‘s a commandline app that you can use to download the video. Or something like jDownloader where you can automate a bit more out of the box (as in if it sees a YouTube link in memory then download it) - no ads then :wink:


You can skip most ads after 5s

For pure music I’d rather you listen on Apple Music where I get more per stream. But for a lot of video content, like gear reviews, I’d rather you support the reviewer so they keep making useful content, even if it means watching ads.

I installed Brave on my Android phone yesterday after reading this thread.
I made sure I was logged out of my youtube premium account and watched several videos through Brave. Not an advert to be seen! Amazing.!
I’ve just cancelled my Premium account.
Most of the youtube stuff I download to listen to while driving is available as a podcast anyway.
Think I might give Tidal a go for music.

Can you link to stories about that specific claim?

I want Google and al similar Trusts in the modern world broken up, but I haven’t heard about governments being “extorted” and searches bring up nothing in either Google OR Duckduckgo.


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Brave is pretty sketchy, just use Ublock Origin with standard Chrome.

Edit: Whoops i see Android vs desktop, unsure about the best options there.

You’d be making almost precisely zero from me either way, which wouldn’t be supporting you in a meaningful way at all. Better encourage people to buy your music on Bandcamp or directly.

As for general YT content, infinitely more supportive would be a Patreon contribution, however small.

YouTube went too far when they started with mid-vid ads (even for shorter videos). That’s a bullying tactic and shows total contempt for the enjoyment of the viewer. I feel extremely comfortable circumventing it rather than turning off completely and avoiding a lot of worthwhile content.


I have tried PiHole but it never worked for me with YT ads. I don’t think DNS blocks work for YT and Twitch.

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Indeed - sorry for this. But it works on AppleTV as I just read (but it was a thread from 2018) - AppleTV is a big plus for me then to tr it out :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s already making money from the views and the ad revenue. To also expect the manufacturers to pay him for the “privilege” of his review, and then to make that video without saying “this content was sponsored by …”, is greedy and dishonest in my book.


I would say its both greedy and dishonest in most peoples book.


Haven’t read the whole thread so it may have been suggested already but apparently you can use a raspberry pi to block ads at the router meaning no ads ever. Search pihole

Oh man the midi pack ads are the worst I hate them and get them on everything. I think youtube has identified me as a hack


You´ve been talking so much about this midi pack guy that I really want to see the ad! Could you pass me a link?


Is there away to block certain ads like on Facebook? I.e. give a reason why you don’t want to see it anymore (like it’s repetitive) and get shown something else instead?

Aggressive advertising should be seen as a crime. Google’s business and webtracking stuff should be forbidden. It is far worse than just being “unethical”.
Sorry to say but I block any add any day.
If you want to make moneys as a musician using a shit criminal company like Google, then that’s not my problem


Nah… their algos suck. Can‘t remember when they recommended me good stuff. Hey Google! No I don‘t want to watch a cocking show after I played some happy hardcore!

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That‘s how bad it is! Please send me 10 years into the future with better algos (also for typing errors obviously)

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I don’t know about you, but I’m well up for a good cooking session after some happy hardcore.