Whats going on with Youtube?

I just tried to post a video showing how you can live sequence the Tape track on the op-z. The sound I used was a dictaphone recording of a train on squeaky tracks and rain falling into assorted buckets that I MADE MYSELF and the step where YouTube checks for copyright violations is taking 10 minutes. It really was going to be a cool little video showing something I thought was interesting but who knows…



There seems to be a dirge of Australian adverts on youtube at the moment. Id say about 1 in 2 are Australian. Another bizarre algorithm.

Yo it’s a popularity contest, little to no points for originality. People want to be entertained, and repetition is gold when it comes to entertainment.

Aw come on, you don’t enjoy watching some poor black hip hop fan hear early Carcass for the first time?

I mean, me neither :lying_face:

Cringe at your post

I only discovered YouTube Vanced the other day. It’s a breath of fresh air! Though I expect they’ve nicked every last bit of my personal data and are no doubt recording the very words I type now…

Cringe is one of the emotions driving YouTube, yes. Glad to have been abled to induce it in you, you’re welcome.

If I get recommended one more video of some quivering Jane who says she’s a vocal coach but has managed to never have heard of Mike Patton (only the most versatile/talented and I’m sure well studied in singing school male vocalist on Earth) pretend that 1. she’s never heard of him and 2. Tell us what an incredible range he has (which, let’s be honest, you don’t need to be a vocal coach to figure out) I’m going to start posting videos of me eating Faith no More CDs.


There are so many awful YouTube videos. Why do you need to bring race into it?

Which album will you start with? Best to worst? Release date order? Please link.

Because black hip hop fans are to me much more believable never to have heard extreme metal. I believe them more. No other reason to “bring” race into it.

I could have said Grandma listens to Reek Of Putrefaction, but then you’d have said why’d I have to bring age into it?

I’ll probably start with their Greatest hits CD, because it’s got a shark on the cover.

Sharks are cool.

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I hate his guts. I hate Mike Patton. There, I said it.

I’m sure he’s fine with it.

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What about my feelings? Thankfully he’s not on radio anymore, nor is he influential enough to have local bands trying to copy his style. Back in the day there was always a few bands who tried to be FNM but sadly without the chops or the songs.

There is actually one vocal coach who actually really goes into techniques while doing these reaction videos and that’s actually pretty cool… but most of them are basically “erhmygawd, wAt A BuTiFuL VoJs!”

Really I didn’t know that Freddy Mercury was amazing!!

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I used to think like that. But back in the 80’s Afrika Bambaataa proved me wrong when he used Trans Europe Express by Kraftwerk on there seminal album. :slight_smile:

I have no idea what this has to do with Carcass or grindcore but yeah, both Afrika Bambaataa and Kraftwerk are great. European electronic music influenced hip hop, techno & house tremendously in the 80s.

Im just saying that anyone can listen to anything no matter what race you are.