Whats going on with Youtube?

I’m reminded of that one Tom Of Finland artwork titled Fuck the World right now, but won’t post it. Google if you wish.

Okay now ive just seen a man exposing his meat and two veg just before my lunch. Thanks!

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good thing I use a non-tracking search engine, don’t want to fall in that recommendation trap. :sweat_smile:

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I used to watch Jerry Springer when it was on. Guess I like trash. The episode with Peter Steele, brilliant trashy fun. Or the guys from Buzzoven acting like they shared a girlfriend and duked it out over her on camera. Great stuff, I miss 90s trash TV.



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I included them because they’re a hugely important part of the UK scene and loved by metalheads of all persuasions.

I find your assertion that “black hip hop guys” would be less likely to have heard extreme metal than the equivalent white guys a little odd. Slayer and Run DMC were on the same fucking label, they had the same producer. Ice T famously has his own metal band. Hip hop and Metal have been feeding off each other for years, and yet there’s still this stereotype that each group lives in some sort of ethno-cultural vacuum, which is clearly bollocks. It wasn’t the black kids kicking me in in school for listening to Metal…

The fact that there’s a few black guys making money out of that stereotype on YouTube doesn’t make it any less of a bullshit stereotype.


Agree to disagree, no hard feelings. Based out of experience that is one stereotype that holds true. As with all stereotypes, it doesnt apply to everyone.

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Oh man. I’d love to see Ice T with a mullet.


Be careful, talk shit get shot…


YouTube is 85% fake shit (maybe more)
Video hoes wanting fame. It’s so lame.


What is real anyway anymore? Internet is a mall. We live in a mall. Everything is fake.


Perfect cue for a bit of Boards of Canada


In the spirit of that great scene of coming to america ( prince of zamunda(?) with eddie murphy:
„good morning my neighbours!“
„Fuck you „
„Yes! Fuck you too!“ Its also on youtube:


I’ve been trying to find videos pertaining to the Polyend Tracker and there are a few (loopop, polyend, etc.). And then there are the usual guys (I’m not gonna name names- you know who they are) who appear to have no idea how the thing works but they received theirs for free. It infuriates me. My fault for clicking on them.


sounds like a great name for an all poor black metal band… I’m on to you bub

except reality, the usual suspects haven’t got to that yet.

I’ve recently been getting into cow hoof maintenance videos, also horse hoof maintenance.


WRT the ads, Ad Block Plus on Firefox means I never see YT adverts (I mean, I never see YT adverts AND I have Ad Block Plus on Firefox, and I assumed the connection)


Youtube Vanced means no ads on mobile, either.

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Regarding adblockers. I have experienced a short lag(sometimes longer pause) when the advert tries to cut in. In this normal?

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