Whats going on with Youtube?

You miss what I’m saying. No scary gangster. Guy making money of being crass. These guys are as scary as the dump I took this morning. They feel somewhat pathetic.

The issue is a guy that is selling the lifestyle of someone who is actually a criminal and making it seem like it is a viable life path. And there are dough headed people out there that take this shit as real and want to emulate.

Many kids have been hurt being backyard wrestlers. This shit is about as real as the WWE.


sex drugs and rock&roll is the American way, there is simply nothing more patriotic.

You’re missing my point :joy: it’s an act, an artistic expression :100: but what makes it any different than any other art sold to the masses that’s promoting violence? The only difference is these rappers are from the hood and some people don’t like seeing that. If it’s some big Hollywood exec doing it, that’s ok though. Question, when’s the last time you seen someone from Hollywood shot in the streets like one of these “fake gangsters”?

I think I’m the same
Listened to early rap though I never rated biggy/Tupac , guns, bling , bitches and hoes, have no interest in smoking weed and ‘that lifestyle’ , it all became marketing and an easy cliche to fit into the mould.

And now there’s trap and even move vocoder / auto tune and everyone has bad tattoos splattered on their faces. It’s been done to death.

Unless it’s old I tend to avoid rap/r&b/ trap / hip hop these days
Though I think little sims is doing some interesting stuff

Is this a hip hop thread or YouTube ?


You’re right in that we should start looking at the execs of the record labels, hollywood and video games and ask for better, especially when its consumed by young impressionable audiences.

I heard a ‘pop’ tune on the radio (I never listen but was buying a car and checking it out) where the BBC presenter was praising the deep lyrics - the song talked about a women beating and imprisoning a man… WTF.


I successfully derailed it


personally I blame the proliferation of Scarface Movie posters that were sold all over the country… oops!..doh!!!


Maybe it’s the way you write, cuz your perspective has seemed to change quite a bit. You were quite defensive of it.

Act or no…they sell themselves as real, legit.
Sends a real bad message. Anyone thinking Jason or Freddy are real…they got problems.


Terrible message no matter what ‘hood’ you come from. But music thrives on shock value so im not going to make it stand out and promote this. Negative criticism is often good publicity which is maybe what they want.


Quite a number of rappers now going against these negative messages. Its often the labels that push these irresponsible narratives. Fortunately some of the biggest reactors out there are also calling these ‘artists’ and labels out.

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I love how the press call Megan, Cardi, Doja etc “female empowerment” - it is literally the opposite of that, reduction of a person to their genitalia, ok cool, great example to set to the kids who listen to them.


You lot sound like my parents.


Have you tidied your room laddy? If your a good boy ill get you some long trousers.:joy:


Haha, I have nothing against it, but calling it female empowerment is a stretch to say the least, I find that hilarious especially given how the same journalists will be writing about materialism bad in the next column, and the whole schtick of this type of song is how they got a ring/car/money in return for some action, but because they didn’t do the dishes after = empowerment :laughing:


It’s only recently that I’ve come to realise just how impressionable people are to whatever is fed to them. Really like Flawdzilla’s reactions…

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I guess he gets to his reactions…E VEN TU ALL YYYY. DAMN!

THIS quantifies whats wrong with YouTube :rofl::rofl::rofl:

along with salty comments… :rofl: he’s not too bad for it compared to some…

Once you get passed the intro bits, I’ve been really encouraged just how many reactors are so open minded and willing to air their thoughts on important topics and at least have conversations.

NoLifeShaq also knows whats going on in the industry… also talks about how youtube controls whats trending.

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I think it’s a little more complex than that, the female empowerment part is about Equality, and the right to be as F’d up as any woman’s male counter part…
sometimes empowerment comes at the cost of ‘surface level virtues’

Men are almost indoctrinated into not being able to see a woman’s perspective so sometimes they have to shout, kick, and grab a crotch like Michael Jackson…

an analogy I often think of is how many times have you heard someone state about gov corruption in South Africa, as if Equality meant that the new leaders would be perfect and without corruption, while the prior leaders were perfectly corrupt in the most extreme ways imaginable… that’s not the definition of equality…

so those female rappers (not all) are stirring up as much debauchery as they can and putting it in your face, and demanding to get away with it like men always have…

clean out your ears with this

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Funny logic though no? The worst men are misogynistic dickheads so they want to be like that too, the worst people are shallow vain materialistic dickheads so they want to be like that too?

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