Whats going on with Youtube?

It’s fine bro you prefer your violence served in a different package. I get it.

no it’s two different issues… and those two different issues are not mutually exclusive, in other words one doesn’t negate the other…
kinda like nwa saying F the police, it’s a disrespectful turn of phrase but needed to be said never the less

speaking of logic, if you think about it inequality isn’t logical right, so there are many variables to these things, and I agree some of those songs are crass, but the women didn’t start it, they just equalized it.


The fact that you got flagged tho :rofl:


I understand, but by the same token a lot of women do, even more importantly the women that made them do, I’m not sure other women can speak for them, I know I can’t this is just what I’ve observed…

but isn’t it like that with everything…?
I think Curtis mayfield said it best, if there’s hell below we’re all gonna go

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I know that scares the shit out of me. Maybe the message has got to the mods :slight_smile:


ha ha ha ha…DEFLECTION!


I found this interesting, and maybe relevant to the discussion https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/12/02/twitch-loltyler1-tyler-steinkamp

on one hand, yeah, poor kid making 2.5million dollars, on the other, there are those making next to nothing grinding that hard too. It is like the casino, only one winner.

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I really like his videos, got a lot of good ideas and tips from them.
Also DivKid & MylarMelodies, responsible for quite a few purchases between them.
And let’s not forget the most badass music YouTuber of all:

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not sure if this thread already mentioned this, but the change to the dislike counter has just been propagated to my account.
removing the dislike score is a huge ux misstep that only brings benefit to corporate brands.


Yes its been noted. A big thumbsup to terrorist training videos. Disgraceful action by Google…

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No more MIDI guy?? I got you!



just happy that Hans Zimmer is selling a master class to learn all about questions and answers. But could be interesting if Hans Zimmer would also sell a midi chord pack :stuck_out_tongue: I guess he knows somethinge about music theory for sure.

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Like everything the Hans Zimmer effect has morphed into a midi pack.

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Don’t be evil


I know I’m supposed to be an adult and all that but there’s something that seriously gets to me with the Youtube thumbnail faces. (I know I’m not alone.) They’re just really, really, really stupid. I mean c’mon what is that, who does that?!? Maybe to get reactions like this but every time I see one of those nowadays I never watch the video.

Recently also made sure I haven’t subbed to channels that use those. Only sub to a handful of channels anyway.

Sorry, just had to vent a little bit. Not enough coffee in my system probably. :slight_smile:


Come on in, the water’s lovely and warm.


So its a thumbs down👎

I’d have to click the video to give it a thumbs down, right? :wink:

I kinda understand the faces and emojis in a video my 10-year-old might want to watch (still annoying AF) but in a synth review, for example? Now where’s the facepalm emoji when I need it…


I dont know. Kids love Lemon Drops

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