Whats going on with Youtube?

give me my dopamine squirt and be gone. or back with some wiggling ass and/or duck running into a wall. ah sweet mindless content. poor young people.

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The only time I saw TikTok, a guy on the terrace was eating an omelet…
and letting it drip from his mouth onto his sweater.
I found the interest quite limited.
On the other hand, he was not overplaying nor opened manga eyes.

bring back dislike count PLEASE.

it is EXTREMELY helpful for golf instruction. SO MANY GUYS give BS tips. and it gets called out IMMEDIATELY with the dislikes. I don’t wanna sit thru some guy forever to finally get to the garbage information. the dislikes fully…FULLY help with culling the clutter.

I actually like the dislikes on my vids too, even WITH their low view count. which I could give a squirt about. I wanna know. and I can’t find that info anywhere. I poke around in the stats…and find everything but. the dislikes, as far as I’m concerned, are the MOST relevant stat. quit trying to give everyone a gold star. some people, like myself, suck.


Around 2015 I was feeling very optimistic about humanity with all these interesting new ways of communicating and people with differing ideas coming together and openly discussing difficult matters in long podcasts etc. That has all changed so fast. A total U turn has happened very rapidly. It was obviously incredibly naive not to see something like this this coming I must admit.

Anyways, It’s good to remember that world is full of smart young people with insane amounts of possibilities to do things that would have been impossible in the past.

Also it’s very easy to get a bad reading of the actual situation from all the stupid shit online and on social media.


You may be right.

Not taking the piss btw, this is an artist I $upport.


I had a quick look at tiktok recently.
It was a bullshit filled hell of self absorbed c#%€s

I’ll stop there. Uninstalled very quickly.


It was on my sister’s phone, I don’t expect to see her again.

I agree

For those who want to increase their cynicism about YouTube and the bad things it does - check out the podcast Rabbit Hole from the NYT.

Yea, ive seen this as well. I dont know what the solution is but they are being very heavy handed with the youtube premium crap. Its basically become SUBSCRIBE OR LEAVE at this point. I think its also impacting the top youtubers because ive noticed many of them posting less videos and streaming on twitch much more.

All the above aside, my biggest frustration with YT currently is the search, for x, it doesn’t matter what terms I use to try and refine it, it basically gives me the same results every time.

That and the ios app seems broken and it only gives 40 or so results for a search before timing out.

Same with google, if I search for variations on ‘laminated timber panel cupping’ apparently that just means I want to buy a new panel so here’s 3 or 4 pages of places to buy them rather than blog posts or forums discussing fixing the problem.


Seems a bit harsh :joy:

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I was just watching a pharmaceutical drug ad wondering why these commercials seem so formulaic. Ultimately I think it’s just because it works efficiently. YouTube has gone the way of pharmaceutical ad. A bunch of different drugs, slight variations, prepackaged and marketing in the same type of way. The algorithm seems to favor this type of content. Flashy Clickbait thumbnails with surprised looks and a gaping maw as the cherry on top. Arrows pointing to god knows what?!

There’s still tons of great content on YouTube, it’s just become flooded with tons of crap too. The ads are also getting out of control (need to get an Adblocker)

My coworker used to watch this guy for crypto news and this dude’s thumbnails are so terrible.

I am loving this topic thread. Surprisingly cathartic. For all the cultural cross pollination possibilities YouTube offers there are some downsides that are pretty depressing.


All the platforms have their issues, I minimise it the best I can.
Commercial tv has adverts , the bbc ( which claims to be ad free ) has shows like graham Norton which is just an hour of marketing hidden behind a facade of chat ( no one ever goes on that show unless they have new product to sell )
Many tv shows have product placement …would the show even be on air if the placement hadn’t generated some ££££ to fund it ??? …

It could be worse - anyone tried watching mtv lately ?

I don’t find ads on YouTube that much of an issue. Creators will make a few bucks from it. I’ve been on YouTube premium for a few years now since I also use YouTube music (which I prefer to Spotify by miles). No more ads that way and not that expensive either if you use the music app as well.

These thumbnails though. Yikes


I had no idea there was a YouTube music app

The only YouTube tv stuff I’ve ever seen was thanks to ‘those on the high seas and their boats’ … Wayne was a good show … though I think youtubetv has stopped too.
If the revenue is more likely to end up in the pockets of the few people I do follow then I’m all for that.

Wayne was a great show.

Thumbnails pay for those dental veneers though.

Worst thing I know is people showing me quickly something on Youtube only to watch 3 ads in a row.

That’s why I’m on Premium. Prices are too high though …but found a way around it.

Premium content sucks …
but no ads, background playback and picture in picture on iOS are worth it. If there’s anything I hate on eart then it’s ads.